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Suitable sample sites vary widely depending on the clean room design and manufacturing process. Each process should be carefully evaluated when selecting sampling sites. The primary purpose of sampling should be to provide meaningful interpretable data that can help identify actual or potential contamination problems associated with specific procedures, equipment, materials, and processes. One should be able to sample those sites most likely to result in product contamination if they become contaminated; however, it may be prudent to identify indicator sites that are near, but not in contact with product. 

Factors to consider in selecting sites for routine surveillance are: 日常监测选择位置时要考虑的因素:
1. At which sites would microbial contamination most likely have an adverse effect on product quality? 

2. What sites would most likely demonstrate heaviest microbial proliferation during actual production? 

3. Should site selection involve a statistical design (e.g., following the calculations in Federal Standard 209E) or should site selection be made on the basis of grid profiling? Should some sites for routine monitoring be rotated? 

4. What sites would represent the most inaccessible or difficult areas to clean, sanitize, or disinfect? 

5. What activities in the area contribute to the spread of contamination? 

6. Would the act of sampling at a given site disturb the environment sufficiently to cause erroneous data to be collected or contaminate product? Should sampling only be performed at the end of the shift? 

Note: There are some considerations applicable to specific types of monitoring; they are described in the individual monitoring sections of this document. 
To establish routine sample sites, action and alert levels, and testing frequency, one should take into consideration the extent of contact or exposure that each element of the manufacturing environment has with the product. Sites having greater opportunity for contributing bioburden to the product should be sampled and monitored. Product contact sources may include compressed gases, room air, manufacturing equipment, tools, critical surfaces, storage containers, conveyors, gloved hands of personnel, and water. Examples of non-product contact sources may include walls, floors, ceilings, doors, benches, chairs, test instruments, and pass-throughs. 
It must be recognized, however, that it may not always be practical to select a site at the most critical location. One should consider whether critical site monitoring would actually increase probability of product contamination. Additionally, critical sites may not be monitored if there is a low probability of contamination during processing (e.g., sterilized components which are not manipulated). 
As pointed out in other sections of this document, there are many considerations in establishing an appropriate site for sampling (e.g., facility design, line configura-tions, validation data, process, historical data, test methodology, etc.). The sites listed in this section may or may not be applicable to a particular manufacturing process; factors pertaining to site selection are likely to be unique to individual facilities. 





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