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【纯干货】清洁验证之取样方法(PDA TR 49内容节选5 中英文版)

5.0 Sampling Methods 取样方法
It is essential to a cleaning validation program that the appropriate sampling techniques are utilized.Sampling must be conducted with techniques appropriate for the equipment surfaces and for the natureof the study, including the analytical methods used. This section discusses types of sampling methods,sampling recovery validation studies, and the training and qualification of samplers.
5.1 Sampling Method Selection
Selection of a sampling method depends on the nature of the equipment and the nature of the residue being measured. Sampling methods discussed here are direct surface sampling, swabbing, rinse watersampling and placebo sampling. It should be noted that while regulatory documents refer to swabbing as“direct” sampling and to rinse water sampling as “indirect” sampling, it is preferable and more descriptiveto refer to those sampling methods as “swab sampling” and “rinse sampling,” and reserve the term“direct sampling” for techniques such as the use of visual inspection.
取样方法的选择取决于设备性质以及检测残留物的性质。此处讨论的取样方法是直接表面取样,擦拭取样,冲洗水取样以及空白对照取样。值得注意的是法规文件中指出擦拭被认为是 “直接” 取样,冲洗水取样被认为是“间接”取样,所指的取样方法如“擦拭取样”和“冲洗水取样”是更可取并且更好被描述的,技术上保留“直接取样”的术语,比如使用目测检查。
5.1.1 Direct Sampling Methods 直接取样方法
Direct sampling methods (as used in this document) include visual inspection.
It is a well-accepted practice that a cleaning process should remove visible residues from the productionprocess off of equipment surfaces. The visual inspection of equipment has limitations in that someequipment surfaces (e.g., piping) are usually not accessible for viewing. The use of optical equipment likemirrors or endoscopes, as well as the use of additional lighting, can help to facilitate visual inspection.
Remote inspection techniques (with fiber-optic probes and a LCD viewing screen) are utilized when visualinspection by a trained inspector is difficult to perform because of access to equipment surfaces, or whenone prefers to supplement an “unaided” visual inspection procedure.
当由经过培训的人员由于要接触设备表面而难以进行目检时或者是补充 “未受协助” 的目检程序时,远程检查技术(纤维光学探头以及 LCD 观察屏)被应用。
Borescopes, fiberscopes, and videoscopes allow visual inspection of hard-to-reach areas. Borescopes havebeen used to view the interior of piping and tank welds. Typical benefits of these scopes are that they:can fit into confined spaces not accessible to operators; are very maneuverable; have additional lightingattached; and may come with optional magnification and/or zooming capabilities. The major drawback ofthese scopes is the complexity of use, controlling lighting/brightness, and that the operator still has tomake the determination if the area viewed is visually clean.
管道内窥镜,纤维内窥镜以及光纤视镜允许对难以达到的区域进行目检。管道内窥镜用于观察管道内部和水槽焊接点。这些范围的典型好处是:适用于操作人员接触不到的密闭空间;易操作,具有辅助照明并且具有选择性放大和/或提升的能力。这些范围的最大缺点是使用复杂, 控制照明/亮度,并且操作人员需要判断该区域是否能够清晰可见。
A remote visual camera allows operators to view remote areas on a screen. The camera has most of thesame strengths and weaknesses as the scopes, with the added benefit that operators can typically alsorecord video or take pictures. Multiple operators can, at the same time, view what is on the screen. Thepotential to record video and allow multiple operators to view the screen may help support a site’s visualinspection training program. Pictures printed from the camera may distort the actual amount of residuepresent, since operators will typically zoom in on a particular area when taking a picture.
All these techniques, like visual inspection, require an adequate training program.
5.1.2 Rinse Sampling冲洗取样
Rinse sampling involves sampling the equipment by flowing water over all relevant equipment surfaces toremove residues, which are then measured in the rinse water. The most common rinse samplingtechnique is to take a grab sample from the final rinse water during the final rinse of the cleaning process.Another option is to fill the entire equipment with water after the cleaning procedure is completed. Then,a bulk sample is taken and analyzed. A third option is to utilize a separate CIP sampling rinse of definedvolume following the completion of the final process rinse.
冲洗取样涉及对设备取样通过流水冲洗所有相关设备表面移除残留,残留将在冲洗水中进行测量。大部分冲洗取样技术是在清洁过程中的最终冲洗中通过从最终冲洗水中提取随机样品。另一个选择是在完成清洁程序后,用水填满整个设备。然后,取大部分样品进行分析。第三个选择是使用单独的 CIP 取样冲洗定量,在最终冲洗完成后。
Advantages and disadvantages of both methods for CIP rinsing are shown in Table 5.1.2.CIP 冲洗的两种方法的优势和劣势见表格 
5.1.2Table 5.1.2 Comparison of CIP Grab Sampling versus Separate CIP Sampling Rinse
表格 5.1.2 CIP 简单取样与单独 
CIP 取样冲洗的比较
Grab Sampling from CIP Final Rinse来自 CIP 最终冲洗的简单取样
Separate CIP Sampling Rinse单独的 CIP 取样冲洗
Represents the normal cleaning process 代表了正常的清洁过程
Allows on-line testing 允许在线检测
Requires no additional amounts of rinse water 不要求附加的冲洗水
Equipment can be used for further processing without additional steps 不需要附加步骤,设备用于进一步的过程
Results can easily be used for carryover calculations 结果易用于遗留计算
Represents what is left on surfaces after the completion of the cleaning process 代表了完成清洁过程后什么留在了表面
More likely to result in an acceptable result if done correctly 如果正确完成,更有可能产生 可接受的结果
Sample represents a worst-case carryover to the next batch (but can demonstrate robustness of the cleaning process) 样品代表了对下一批次的最差情况的遗留(但是能够显示清洁过程的稳定性)Utilizes an additional step 使用附加步骤
Requires additional amounts of rinse water 要求附加的冲洗水量
Contamination is possible due to the method of water addition 由于补充水
Assumptions need to be made about sampling for carryover calculations 制定假设关于遗留计算 的 取样的方法引入污染
Online testing not practical 在线检测不实际
A special case of rinse sampling is the sampling of small parts. Those parts may be sampled by swabbing,but there are two options for rinse sampling. One type of rinse sampling is extraction of the small parts. Inan extraction procedure, the extraction solution (typically water for biotechnology residues) is placed in aclean vessel. The small part is then placed in the extraction solution and agitated or sonicated for a fixedtime. The sampling solution is then analyzed for potential residues. A second type of rinse sampling forsmall parts is typically used for items with an orifice, such as filling needles. In this procedure, a fixedvolume of sampling solution (again, typically water) is passed through the lumen and collected in a cleancollection vessel. The sampling solution is agitated for uniformity, and then analyzed for the potentialresidues. Because the surface area and sampling volume are precisely known, limits can be accuratelycalculated for such situations.
冲洗水取样的一个特殊情况就是小部件取样。冲洗取样的一种方法就是小部件提取。提取过程中,提取液(生物技术残留的典型水)被放置在清洁的容器中。之后小部件被放置在提取液中并且在固定的时间进行摇动或者超声处理。之后对样品溶液进行分析可能存在的残留。对于小部件冲洗取样的第二种方法典型的用于具有孔口的部件, 比如灌装针头。在这个程序中, 定量的样品溶液 (再次,代表性的水)通过内腔并在洁净的收取容器中收集。匀速摇动样品溶液,之后对可能存在的残留进行分析。因为表面区域和取样量是精确已知的,对于这种情况,能够精确计算限度。
5.1.3 Swab Sampling 擦拭取样
Swab sampling involves wiping a surface with a fibrous material (most commonly). During the wipingprocedure, the residue on the surface may be transferred to the fibrous material. The fibrous material isthen placed in a solvent to transfer the residue to the solvent. The solvent is then analyzed for the residueby an acceptable analytical technique. The most common fibrous material is some kind of textile (knitted,woven or nonwoven) attached to a plastic handle.
擦拭取样涉及使用纤维材料擦拭表面(最一般的) 。擦拭过程中,表面的残留被转移至纤维材料上。随后纤维材料被放置在溶剂中,将残留转移至溶剂中。之后采用可接受的分析技术对溶剂进行残留分析。最常见的纤维材料是带有塑料手柄的一些纺织物(针织的,梭织的或者无纺布的) 。
In most cases the swabs are wetted with a solvent prior to sampling the surface. For TOC and conductivity,the solvent is almost always water. For sampling the same site, companies may choose to sample thesame surface area with multiple swabs in order to provide a higher percent recovery of residue from thesurface. In such cases, the additional swab(s) utilized may be either dry swab(s) or swab(s) wetted withthe same solvent.
大部分情况下,在对表面取样前棉签是湿的并且带有溶剂。对于 TOC 和电导的方法,溶剂大部分情况下总是水。对于同样位置的取样,公司可能选择取样同样的表面积进行多次擦拭,以提供表面更高的残留回收率。在这些情况下,使用的附加擦拭可以是干擦或者具有同样溶剂的湿擦。
5.1.4 Comparison of Swab and Rinse Sampling 擦拭和冲洗取样的比较
Both swab sampling and rinse sampling are listed as acceptable sampling techniques in most regulatorydocuments. (8,9,11) Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, as shown in Table 5.1.4
在大部分的法规文件中,作为可接受的取样技术,擦拭取样和冲洗水取样都被列出。(8.9.11) 。两种方法都具有其各自的优势和劣势,见表格 5.1.4.
Table5.1.4 Comparison of Swab Sampling and Rinse Sampling表格 5.1.4 擦拭取样和冲洗水取样的比较
Swab sampling擦拭取样
Rinse sampling冲洗水取样
Enables the analysis of residues found on the specific surfaces. Includes the recovery of proteins that are denatured and/or adhered to the surface. 基于特定的表面进行残留的分析。包括变性和/ 或粘附于表面的蛋白质的回收。
Allows for sampling of areas that are more difficult to clean (i.e., worst cases). 对于难以清洁的区域进行取样(即,最差情况)
During rinsing, the entire product-contacting surface is wetted. One analysis result represents the sum of all removed residues for the flow path. 冲洗过程中, 产品接触的全部表面都是湿的。一个分析结果代表了冲洗过程中所有移除残留的总和。
The sampling procedure does not contaminate the equipment. Re-cleaning is not required after sampling. 取样过程不会对设备产生污染。取样后不需要再次清洁。
This method allows for conclusions on the cleanliness of areas that are not accessible for swabbing. 这种方法允许对不能进行擦拭的区域的清洁度作出结论。
Only discrete sampling areas can be analyzed, and these must represent the entire equipment; sampling must include worst-case locations. 只有离散采样区域能够被分析,这些必须代表整体设备 ,取样必须包括最差情况位置。
The sampling itself can potentially contaminate the equipment. Re-cleaning may be required after sampling. 取样本身能够对设备产生潜在污染。取样后要求进行再次清洁。
Some areas are not accessible for swabbing (e.g., piping systems). 一些区域是不能进行擦拭的。(如管道系统)
Only water soluble residues can bedetected. 只有水溶性的残留能够被监测。
Those areas that are hard to clean cannot be identified. 难易清洁的区域不能被识别。
Does not deal with residues that preferentially transfer from one part of the equipment to the next product.不能够处理从设备一部分优先转移至下一个产品的残留。
May dilute out the residue to be undetectable by the analyticalmethod. 通过分析方法可能会稀释残留而不能检测。
In cases where the equipment surface is difficult to access for swabbing (e.g., piping), swabbing is not anoption. It should be appropriately justified that the cleaning procedure is considered effective if swab testing will not be performed. The following situations will justify a decision to not swab a surface:在设备表面难以进行擦拭取样的情况下(如,管道) ,擦拭方法就不是一个选择。如果擦拭检测不能够进行,应适当说明清洁程序被认为有效的。下列情况将说明不进行表面擦拭:
• Equipment not accessible for swabbing is constructed of the same materials as equipment that allowsswabbing.不能够进行擦拭的设备与能够进行擦拭的设备具有相同的材质。
• Difficult to access equipment surfaces are exposed to the same residues and conditions as equipment surfaces that allow swabbing.难以接触的设备表面暴露在与能够进行表面擦拭的设备相同的残留和条件下。
• Difficult to access equipment surfaces are cleaned with the same cleaning procedure (i.e., the samecleaning agents and the same temperature) as equipment that allows swabbing.采用与能够进行擦拭的设备相同的清洁程序对难以接触的设备表面进行清洁。(即,同样的清洁剂和同样的温度)
• The mechanical forces during cleaning in piping systems (e.g., turbulent flow) are higher compared totank cleaning using spray balls.管道系统中清洁过程的机械力与使用喷淋球清洁的罐体相比更大。
• In contrast to tanks, the piping system is completely filled with flowing liquid during cleaning.与罐体相比,清洁过程中管道系统完全充满了流动的液体。
• Rinse sampling appropriately addresses the issue of cross-contamination from those surfaces.冲洗取样适当的解决了表面交叉污染的问题。
5.2 Placebo Sampling 空白对照取样
In biotechnology, placebo sampling generally does not include actual product placebo; instead, it includes only WFI or the aqueous processing buffer without any product. In this sampling process, the equipment is cleaned. Following cleaning, a manufacturing process is performed (to the extent feasible) using only WFI or buffer. Following processing, the WFI or buffer is evaluated as any other cleaning validation sample, typically for TOC (or Total Protein), conductivity, bioburden and endotoxin, as measures of possible contamination of a manufactured product with those residues. Placebo runs can be done for both bulk and formulation/fill manufacturing to demonstrate actual carryover to the processed material.
在生物工程中,空白对照取样通常不包括实际产品的空白对照,相反的,只包括注射用水或者没有任何产品的水性处理缓冲液。在取样过程中,设备被清洁。随着清洁只用注射用水或者缓冲液进行生产加工过程。随着加工,注射用水或者缓冲液被认为是任何其他的清洁确认样品,尤其是对 TOC(或总蛋白) ,电导率,生物载荷以及内毒素,作为具有这些残留的生产产品可能存在的污染的测量。对于散装和制剂/灌装生产进行的空白对照显示了真实的到处理过材料的遗留。
5.3 Sampling for Microbial and Endotoxin Analysis 微生物以及内毒素分析取样
Sampling for bioburden involves rinse water sampling, swabbing or contact plates. Rinse water sampling for bioburden must involve the use of sterile sample containers. A careful sampling technique is required for any microbial method to avoid external contamination of the sample.
生物载荷的取样涉及冲洗水取样,擦拭或者接触碟。生物载荷的冲洗水取样必须包括无菌取样容器的使用。一个细致的取样技术对任何微生物方法都是被要求的,以避免取样的外部污染。Sampling for endotoxin is almost always a rinse water sample.
There is nothing unique to biotechnology about the use of these sampling techniques for microbialevaluation.
5.4 Sampling Recovery Studies 取样回收研究
Sampling recovery studies are generally required to adequately demonstrate that a residue, if present on equipment surfaces, can be adequately measured or quantified by the combination of the analytical method and the sampling procedure. These studies provide a scientific basis for utilizing those sampling and analytical methods to measure residues. Three types of sampling recoveries are discussed below: swab sampling recovery, rinse sampling recovery, and “visual examination” recovery.
For swab and rinse sampling, recovery studies may be performed as part of the analytical methodvalidation, or they may be performed as separate studies, once it is determined that the analyticalmethod can appropriately measure residues in solutions. Sampling recovery studies are laboratory studiesinvolving coupons of sampled equipment of different materials of construction (such as stainless steel, glass, PTFE and silicone) spiked with residues to be measured.
对于擦拭和冲洗水取样,回收研究作为分析方法验证的一部分进行,或者可以作为单独的研究进行,一旦决定分析方法能够在溶液中检测出残留。取样回收研究是实验室研究,包括不同材质的被取样设备的取样片(如,不锈钢,玻璃,PTFE 和硅胶) ,带有残留以检测。
5.4.1 General Considerations 总则
Recovery studies may not be required for certain residues which are known to be readily water soluble and are used well below the solubility limit, such as sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid used as cleaning agents.
In performing recovery studies for swabbing and rinse sampling, the amount of material spiked onto coupons should represent an amount equal to what could be present at the residue limit, as this represents a worst case.
The residue spiked should be the same residue present at the end of the cleaning process. Forbiotechnology protein actives, this is actually degraded protein fragment. However, it is common practice to spike the native protein active, as this is simpler and represents a worst case. For bulk biotechnology manufacturing, some manufacturers only perform recovery with the bulk active, whereas others will also utilize an early stage harvest product to represent early stage residues.
Recovery values should be established for all surfaces sampled. For swab and rinse sampling, this may be accomplished by performing recovery studies on all surfaces. An alternative is to perform one residue study on a surface, which through documented evidence, is equivalent (in terms of percent recovery) to other surfaces for which a formal recovery study is not performed. This is essentially a grouping or family approach for recovery studies. Equivalence for establishing the group or family may be established based on published studies or in-house data. Another approach used by some companies is to exclude formal recovery studies for sampled surfaces constituting less than a small percentage (such as 1% or 2%) of the total equipment surface area; in such cases, the recovery value used for that excluded surface is the lowest recovery of any other surface type for which a formal sampling recovery study was performed, or the minimum acceptable recovery percentage required by the company’s procedures.
对于所有取样的表面都应建立回收值。对于擦拭和冲洗水取样,在进行所有表面的回收研究时完成。可替换的选择就是在表面上进行一个残留研究,通过记录的证据,等同于(术语是回收率)其他没有进行正式回收研究的表面。对于回收研究,这是本质的分组或者家族方法。建立分组或家族等值是基于发布的研究或内部的数据。一些公司使用的另一个方法是排除整个设备表面少于小的百分比(如 1%或 2%)取样表面组成的正式回收研究,在这样的情况下,用于排除表面的回收值是任何其他表面种类的最低回收,为此进行正式的取样回收研究或者根据公司程序要求最低可接受回收百分比。
Swab recovery studies are typically performed on a nominal coupon square surface area of either 25 cm 2 or 100 cm 2 . In sampling manufacturing equipment for a protocol, it is not always possible to swab a 10 cm X 10 cm area (it might be necessary to swab a 5 cm X 20 cm area). Furthermore, it might not be practical to swab exactly 100 cm2 (an area of 60 cm2 or 128 cm2 may be required because of the specific equipment geometry). In such cases, the recovery percentage based on sampling 10 cm X 10 cm may be applied to each of those cases. If such an approach is used, a range of acceptable surface area (such as 25% to 150% of the nominal sampled area) should be established. However, if the sampled area for equipment surfaces in a protocol varies from the nominal value, the residue limit for that sample should be adjustedbased on the actual surface area swabbed.
擦拭回收研究被进行是在平方面积为 25cm 2 或者 100cm 2 。方案中取样生产设备中, 擦拭 10cm×10cm的区域并不总是可能的 (必要时擦拭 5cm×20cm 的区域) 。此外,精确的擦拭 100cm 2 实际上是不可能的(可能要求 60cm 2 或者 128cm 2 ,由于设备特定几何结构) 。在这种情况下,针对这些情况基于取样 10cm×10cm 应用回收百分比。如果采用这种方法,可接受表面积范围(如,实际取样区域的 25%到150%)应该建立。但是,如果方案中设备表面的取样区域与实际有区别,样品的残留限度应基于实际的擦拭面积进行调整。
5.4.2 Swab Recovery 擦拭回收
For swab recovery studies, coupons are spiked with solutions of the target residue, allowed to dry, and sampled with the swabbing procedure to be utilized in the cleaning validation protocol. The swab is desorbed in a suitable solvent, and the amount of residue is measured in that solvent sample. The amount recovered is compared to the amount spiked on the coupon, and the result is expressed as percent recovery. Because swabbing is a manual procedure, typically each person performing a recovery study performs three replicates. It is preferable to have at least two persons perform swabbing recovery studies for each combination of residue and surface type. The recovery percentage established by the study may be defined in different ways, but typically is defined as the lowest average recovery of any one analyst. An acceptable swab recovery depends on how that swab recovery is being used. If the recovery is performed to qualify the sampling method without correction of either a limit or an analytical result, a recovery of 70% or more is typically required. If the recovery percentage is used to correct a residue limit or an analytical result, a recovery of 50% or more is typically required. An upper limit for percent recovery should be established. 
对于擦拭回收研究,取样片使用目标残留溶剂标记,干燥,在清洁验证方案中使用擦拭程序进行取样。在适当的溶剂中擦拭被解吸,在实际样品中测量残留的数量。回收量与取样片上标记的数量进行比较,以回收百分比的形式表示结果。因为擦拭是手工程序,每个人重复进行三次回收研究。最好是至少两个人对每个残留结合和表面种类进行擦拭回收研究。研究所建立的回收百分比可以以不同的方式定义,但是代表性的被定义为任何一个分析者的最低平均回收率。一个可接受的擦拭回收率取决于如何使用擦拭回收率。如果进行的回收率以证明取样方法不具有限度或者分析结果的修正,要求至少 70%的回收率。如果回收百分比被用于修正残留限度或分析结果,要求至少 50%的回收率。应建立回收百分比的上限。
At a minimum, recovery values are generally performed at the residue limit on the surface (in μg/cm 2 , for example). While it is possible to perform recoveries at different spiked levels, in general, there is little value to such additional spiked levels because of the variability of the sampling procedure. It is preferable to perform additional replicates at the one-residue limit rather than studies at additional levels. Acceptable variation for recovery results at one spiked level is typically on the order of 15-30% RSD.
最低限度,回收值通常是表面的残留限度(如,μ g/cm 2 ) 。在不同标记水平进行回收是可能的,通常,对于这种附加标记水平几乎没有值,由于取样程序的可变性。最好在一个残留限度进行附加的重复而不是在附加水平上进行重复研究。在一个标记水平的回收结果的可接受变化是近似于 15-30%RSD。
5.4.3 Rinse Recovery 冲洗回收
Rinse recovery studies address the validity of rinse sampling for that residue. They demonstrate that if theresidue were on a surface, that residue would be effectively removed and could be analyzed in the rinsesolution. Rinse recovery studies address the U.S. FDA’s “dirty pot” and “baby/bath water” analogies. (8)Rinse recovery studies, like swab recovery studies, are performed on coupons that have been spiked withsolutions of the target residue and then allowed to dry. For swab recoveries, it is necessary to perform theexact swabbing procedure to be used in the cleaning validation protocol. For rinse sampling, in contrast,the exact rinsing procedure cannot be duplicated in the laboratory. However, it is possible to simulate therinsing procedure in the laboratory. Where possible, the conditions of the simulated rinse should be thesame as the equipment rinsing situation. This includes the selection of rinsing solvent (typically water), aswell as the temperature of the rinsing solvent. In other cases, the rinsing conditions should be selected asthe same or worst case as compared to the equipment rinsing situation. For example, the ratio of solventto sampled surface area should be the same or lower in the recovery study compared to theequipment-rinsing situation。
冲洗回收研究解决了残留冲洗取样的正确性。说明了如果表面有残留,残留将被有效移除并在冲洗液中进行分析。冲洗回收研究解决了美国“脏罐”和“婴儿/浴缸水”的类比(8) 。冲洗回收研究像擦拭回收研究一样,在标有目标残留溶液的取样片上进行并允许干燥。对于擦拭取样,在清洁验证方案中使用准确的擦拭程序是必要的。对于冲洗取样,相反的,精确地冲洗程序在实验室中是不能够被复制的。但是, 在实验室中模拟冲洗程序是可以实现的。如果可能,模拟冲洗的条件应该与设备冲洗的情况相同。这包括冲洗溶剂的选择(典型的是水) ,以及冲洗溶剂的温度。在其他的情况下,应选择与设备冲洗条件相同或者最差情况的冲洗条件。比如,取样表面的溶剂比在回收研究中应与设备冲洗条件相同或者低于设备冲洗条件。
One method of simulating the rinse process is to suspend a spiked coupon above a clean collection vesseland cascade the rinse solution across the surface into the collection vessel. Another method is to spikethe bottom of a beaker of the appropriate material of construction, allow the residue to dry, add rinsesolution to the beaker and apply gentle agitation for a time which approximates the time of the final rinse.The rinse solution is either pipetted or decanted from the beaker and analyzed. A third option, used incases where a beaker of suitable material of construction is not available, is to place a spiked coupon inthe bottom of a beaker and perform a simulated rinse, as in the second situation.
Since rinse sampling is not significantly operator dependent, three replicates by one operator areadequate to determine percent recovery. Acceptable percent recoveries are typically established at thesame levels and conditions as for swab recovery studies.
5.4.4 “Recovery” in Visual Inspection 目检中的“回收”
This process is actually the determination of a quantitative “visual detection limit” where visualexamination is the sole sampling/analytical method and “visually clean” is used as the sole acceptancecriterion for the given residue in the absence of swab or rinse sampling for that residue. (12,13) If visualexamination is used to supplement swab or rinse sampling, such determination of a visual detection limitis not required. A visual detection limit under specified viewing conditions can be determined by spikingcoupons of the equipment surface materials with solutions of the residue at different levels (in μg/cm 2 )and by having a panel of trained observers determine the lowest level at which residues are clearly visibleacross the spiked surface. The significance of such a visual detection limit is that if equipment surfaces aredetermined to be visually clean under the same (or more stringent) viewing conditions in a cleaningvalidation protocol, the level of the residue is below the visual detection limit. Appropriate viewingconditions include distance, lighting and angle. The visual limit depends on the nature of the residue aswell as the nature of the surface (for example, stainless steel vs. PTFE) and the visual acuity of theinspector. Typical values reported in the literature for a visual detection limit are 1-4 μ g/cm 2 . (14)
这个过程实际上是确定定量的“目检限度” ,在此,目检是唯一的取样/分析方法并且“目检清洁”被用作给定残留唯一可接受的标准,当对残留缺少擦拭或冲洗取样时(12,13) 。如果目检用来补充擦拭或者冲洗取样, 则不需要确定目检限度。特定观察条件下的目检限度可通过在不同水平下 (以 μ g/cm 2 )带有残留溶液的设备表面材质标记取样片确定并且通过受训观察人员小组确定在标记表面清楚观察到残留的最低水平。这种目检限度的意义是如果设备表面被确定目检清洁在清洁验证方案中同样(或更严格)观察条件下,擦流水平是低于目检限度的。适当的观察条件包括距离,亮度和角度。目检限度取决于残留的特性以及表面的特性(比如,不锈钢表面 vs.PTFE)以及检察人员的视觉灵敏度。文献中目检限度报告的标准值是 1-4 μ g/cm 2 .。(14)
5.4.5 Recovery for Bioburden and Endotoxin Sampling 生物载荷和内毒素取样的回收
Recovery studies to determine percentage recovery from surfaces are not appropriate and are notrequired for microbiological sampling or for endotoxin sampling for the following reasons
1. The question of enumeration in microbiological tests—“colony forming units” are typically counted, asopposed to individual organisms.
2. Vegetative organisms will die or lose viability when dried on a coupon in a standard sampling recoveryprocedure.
3. It is unclear which species should be used for a recovery study.
4. The limits set for bioburden typically are significantly below what could possibly cause either productquality issues or process performance (e.g., SIP) issues; therefore, even though recovery may be low(<50%), product quality and/or process performance are not impacted by excluding a recovery factor. 
微生物限度的设置显著的低于能够引起产品质量问题或工艺性能(如,SIP)的可能,因此,即使回收可能是低的(<50%) ,产品质量或工艺性质不能受到影响通过排除回收因子。





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