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FDA: 更新设施检查指南,回答如何影响申请


本次更新中,FDA解释了疫情下的检查限制对药品申请将产生何种影响,并说明了此种情况下FDA在回应药企提交的申请时,在不同情形下如何签发完整回应函(complete response letter,CRL)。CRL完整描述了FDA在药企所提交的申请资料中发现的所有缺陷和缺陷之处,用于指导药企补充资料,以便使产品能够顺利获得批准。

Q5: How will travel restrictions resulting from the public health emergency affect my application?


A5: During the COVID-19 public health emergency, FDA is using all available tools and sources of information to support regulatory decisions on applications that include sites impacted by travel restrictions due to COVID-19. For example, FDA will continue the assessment of all applications per normal assessment operations for all disciplines, where all manufacturing facilities will be evaluated using a risk-based approach consistent with existing guidelines. Similarly, the need for and selection of sites for BIMO inspections will continue to be risk-based, considering application and site-specific factors. During this interim period, FDA is using alternative tools, where available, to determine or mitigate the need for an inspection and to support the application assessment. This includes reviewing a firm’s previous compliance history, using information sharing from trusted foreign regulatory partners through mutual recognition agreements and other confidentiality agreements, requesting records “in advance of or in lieu of” facility inspections or voluntarily from facilities and sites, and conducting remote interactive evaluations where appropriate.


CDER and CBER are continuing to evaluate applications, strategically applying a holistic approach in the decision-making process to determine if an inspection is warranted or if an inspection is no longer needed due to information gained through the use of the alternative tools mentioned above. FDA will continue to work directly with the applicants of those impacted applications.


FDA is also working directly with facilities to communicate any issues identified through a review of records or other information requested. For example, for both CDER- and CBER regulated products, interim processes have been implemented to communicate with manufacturing facilities regarding issues identified following a review of records or other information requested “in advance of or in lieu of” a preapproval or pre-license inspection. Responses from the facility regarding these issues will, as feasible, be considered before taking an action on a pending application.


The Agency encourages applicants to be in communication with all their facilities and sites to ensure timely responses to any inquiries to support application assessment.


Q6: If my application includes sites that cannot be inspected because of travel restrictions resulting from the public health emergency will my application automatically receive a complete response letter?


A6: No, FDA will not automatically issue a complete response (CR) letter if FDA cannot conduct an inspection because of travel restrictions resulting from the public health emergency.


Decisions regarding applications will be based on the totality of the information available to FDA, including information obtained from use of the alternative tools as described in Q5/A5.


Based on an assessment of the product information provided in the application and based on available information about the facility or site, FDA will take one of the following actions:


• FDA plans to approve the application if


− Available information, including information obtained from the use of alternate tools, supports the adequacy of the facilities and sites named in a pending application, no other deficiencies have been identified, and the application otherwise satisfies the requirements for approval.


− In this case, the need for an inspection could be sufficiently mitigated by the FDA’s use of alternate tools, including a firm’s responses to outstanding issues identified from the use of alternate tools (see Q5/A5).


• FDA plans to issue a CR letter with facility- or site-related deficiencies if


− Available information from a prior FDA or mutual recognition agreement inspection or the use of alternate tools identifies concerns about the adequacy of a facility or site, and an inspection needed to address those concerns cannot be completed during the review cycle, or


− Responses to outstanding issues identified from requested records and other alternate sources are not sufficient to address the issues identified for a facility or site.


− In this case, FDA intends to inform the applicant of the facility or site issues as soon as possible during the review cycle. Specifically, FDA intends to inform the applicant that an inspection will be needed before the application can be approved and that the inspection may not be conducted before the action date due to restrictions on travel.


− FDA generally intends to issue a CR letter, including a deficiency related to the facility or site, if the inspection has not been conducted by the action date.


签发不含设施或场所缺陷的 CRL
• FDA plans to issue a CR letter without facility or site deficiencies if

•如果满足以下条件,FDA计划签发不含设施或场所缺陷的 CRL

− An inspection is necessary because there is insufficient information currently available to make a determination on the acceptability of a facility or site and other deficiencies have been identified.


− In this case, FDA will not include a facility or site deficiency in the CR letter if the needed inspection cannot be completed by the action date due to travel restrictions. Rather, in the CR letter FDA will list the other deficiencies and also include a non-deficiency facility or site comment stating that an inspection will be needed to support approval of the application because there is insufficient information available to make a determination on the acceptability of a facility or site.


− During the review cycle, FDA intends to inform the applicant of the facility or site issues as soon as possible. Specifically, FDA intends to inform the applicant that the inspection may not be conducted before the action date due to restrictions on travel.


• FDA generally plans to defer action (i.e., miss the goal date) on an application if an inspection is necessary because there is insufficient information currently available to make a determination on the acceptability of a facility or site and other deficiencies have not been identified.


− FDA intends to inform the applicant of the facility or site issues as soon as possible during the review cycle. Specifically, FDA intends to inform the applicant that the inspection may not be conducted before the action date due to restrictions on travel.

− FDA打算在评审周期内尽快将设施或场所问题通知申请人。特别是,FDA打算通知申请人,由于出行限制,可能在行动日期之前不会进行检查。

− If FDA defers action on the application, the project manager will contact the applicant to explain that FDA continues to monitor the public health situation, as well as travel restrictions, and that FDA will schedule the outstanding inspections once safe travel resumes. The scheduling will be based on public health need and other factors. In this case, therefore, there is no submission or communication needed by the applicant to ensure that an inspection will be scheduled to support application approval.






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