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Routine review and analysis of environmental monitoring data is essential to aid in the interpretation of process stability and assess overall control performance. Management should be kept abreast of trends and the subsequent state of operations within their facilities. 

Based on the large number of samples tested by a given facility, a computer-based data tracking system is recommended. Prior to implementation, all database ap-plications used should be validated/qualified for specific software applications. 

1. Data Collection 数据采集
Routine data may be pooled into a designated database in a consistent record format. The record format should include (at a minimum): monitoring date, specific sam-pling locations, sampling methods, colony forming units (CFU) or non-viable count results, identification performed, product lot information, and current action level. A manual data entry or image scanner system with advantages of speed and accuracy can be used to populate tables. Data integrity must be verified prior to analysis. 

2. Data Analysis 数据分析
Trends are often difficult to obtain and recognize, given the low colony forming unit (CFU) result usually obtained with viable environmental monitoring data. His-tograms, defined as pictorial graphs characterized by a number of data points that fall within a common frequency, are a valuable tool. Different room classifications with definite requirements will produce different histograms. The CFU spread obtained across a Class 100,000 data set will not be observed in a data set from a Class 100 area. Therefore, each area (or area type) and accompanying data set must be viewed as distinct. A mathematical model could be applied not only with the objective in mind, but also the type of data to be analyzed. 

Moreover, data collected in Class 10,000 or 100,000 areas tend to assume distributions. A Class 10,000 facility may lend itself to an exponential distribution where the majority of data points can be observed below the mean and thus appear not normally distributed; and a class 100,000 or non-classified area often dem-onstrates greater variability around the mean with a normal distribution. A Class 100 area distribution may be less obvious where an unsystematic approach, although less powerful, may work best. 
The following table provides some examples of different analysis objectives and the associated descriptions of what the analysis may include. 

3. Data Approach 数据处理方法
The following approach describes a generalized method for data to assess the environmental control: 
a. Determine objective of analysis (e.g., site location alert/action, action level review, management update). 

b. Specify data set to be analyzed. 指定将分析的数据

c. Apply data plots such as histograms or pictorial plots to access the basic data and to determine the nature of the distribution, if any. Such data plots can also be used to locate peculiarities such as outliers or patterns. 

d. Observe the distribution and proceed with the appropriate mathematical model that best fits the overall objective. If data conform to a specific distribution, a parametric mathematical model may be applied. If the data are not consistent with a particular distribution, then a non-parametric approach may be applicable. 

e. Typically, an action level at the 99th percentile is employed. Consistent with the action level at the 99th percentile are the following mathematical models. Models can only be applied if the character of the data assumes a definite distribution. 
Action level estimate for a data set reflecting an exponential or non-normal distribution = 4.6 x (mean CFU) 
数据集预估的行动等级反映指数或非正态分布= 4.6 ×(平均CFU)
Action level estimate for a data set reflecting a normal distribution = 2.33 a + (mean CFU) 
数据集预估的行动等级反映正态分布= 2.33a +(平均CFU)
Note: When the action level is determined at the 99th percentile, an occasional excursion is expected due to the model applied. 

f. Regardless of the statistical model chosen, the analytical method should be consistent with the data and documented in the data summary along with results. 
Examples of possible analysis objectives and possible report descriptions. 可能的分析目标和报告说明举例

4. Data Interpretation 数据解释
Data generated should be summarized and evaluated to determine whether the production environment is in a state of control. Statistical process control is one method of performing this evaluation. 
Trends may show a gradual increase or decrease in the overall counts observed over time, or a change in flora or counts on several plates of a particular area on a given day. Interpretation of the impact of a significant fluctuation in counts or a change in flora should be based on the experienced judgment of a qualified person. 
Some considerations for assessing process state of control are listed below: 评估工艺控制状态的几点考虑如下
a. In assessing environmental monitoring process reliability, derived action levels reflecting higher values than those currently imposed may be indicative of a process specification that is no longer appropriate. A review of the process may be needed. 

b. Several consecutive points or drifts may be considered to be a pattern or cluster formation that, if above the alert level, signals a trend that requires an investigation. 

c. Significant fluctuations or jumps in the values for the process are also significant where recurring cycles may point to seasonal variations. 

d. One or more values markedly higher or lower than the majority of the data may or may not be process outliers. 
Understanding the potential impact of the results generated during environmental monitoring is critical to a successful environmental monitoring program. 



上一篇:USP 提出亚硝胺杂质新通则章节,列出四种分析方法


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