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Potable water from private water companies ormunicipalities is monitored to ensure that levels of chemical pollutants remainwithin established safety criteria, and screened for microorganisms includingEscherichia coli, enterococci,Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and fecal coliforms.4In most locales the quality of the water supplied to thepharmaceutical facility is satisfactory. As a safeguard, however, manyfacilities elect to test the water for organisms like E. coli as a marker forfecal contamination. Onsite potable water is treated, softened, purified(according to the grade required), and distributed.

While most well-designed water systems can be maintainedin a state of control, microbiological problems can develop. Microbialadherence is a consequence of the balance of attractive and repulsivephysicochemical interactions between bacteria the surface. The primary issue isbiofilm formation—slime-like microbiologicalcommunities that occur when microorganisms adhere to a surface (such aspipework with a poor flow rate).

A biofilm develops because bacterial cells, onceattached, secrete a polysaccharide known as glycocalyx (hydrated polymericslimy matrices). The glycocalyx enables each bacterium to encapsulate itself onthe surface; biofilm forms as these organisms accumulate. The steps involved inbiofilm formation are (Figure 1):

1.    Individual cells populate thesurface (initial attachment)
2.    Irreversible attachment
3.    Extrapolymeric substances areproduced and attachment becomes
4.    Irreversible
5.    Biofilm architecture develops andmatures
6.  Single cells (or clumps of cells)are released from the biofilm over time

* Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleotide found inall living organisms; ATP bioluminescence is used to monitor contamination.
•三磷酸腺苷(ATP)是所有生物体内的一种核苷酸;ATP 荧光检测可用于监测污染。

Figure 1: Generalized biofilm formation

Source: D. Davis (CC BY 2.5 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5]), via Wikimedia Commons -footer
This type of attachment occurs relatively slowly. Variousfactors affect the process, including the type of bacterium involved, the sizeof the bacterial population in the environment, and the duration of its growthphase.5 In general, Gram-negative bacteria form biofilmsmore readily,6 due in part to appendages on the bacterial cell(fimbriae) that allow such them to attach to surfaces more easily. Surfacecharge is another important phenomenon in relation to bacterial adherence.7

Microbial growth in a biofilm is often rapid at the pointof source (Figure 2). The pattern from user outlines is often sporadic,however, because contamination is eluted from the biofilm at different ratesover time.

Figure 2: Microbial numbers in a water system riseexponentially following biofilm formation

Biofilms are of particular concern with water systems,since Gram-negative bacteria constitute the majority of the bacterialpopulations found in aquatic environments. These types of organisms, moreover,also shed endotoxins, a component of the cell wall.8

Many stages of the water-purification process can createconditions which, although designed to reduce contaminants, paradoxicallypromote biofilm formation. An example is in-depth filtration through a matrix.As water percolates through the filter, microorganisms are adsorbed onto thematrix, where they form complex communities. Further on, the purificationpathway can create a series of colonizable environmental niches of varyingnutrient richness. 

For appropriately designed and maintained systems,purified water and WFI present low risks of microbial contamination. Whenevermicroorganisms are detected (and certainly when above specification), however,this creates a significant hazard.


While different phases of water generation can contributeto risks, there are a number of design and control steps that can reducemicrobiological proliferation:10

Break tanks

Break tanks, which prevent water produced duringproduction from reentering the water supply, are the first areas in whichmicrobial colonization can occur. Microorganisms present in incoming potablewater attach themselves to the sides and bottom of the tank, forming a biofilm.Samples taken from the tank usually meet the specification for potable waterand give no immediate indication of the biomass that is accumulating. Regularmaintenance and tank flushing are the main preventive measures.

Activated carbon beds

The bed matrix consists of finely dividedcharcoal, which is highly efficient at removing low-molecular-weightorganic materials. It also oxidizes and removes additives such as chlorine. Thevast surface area and accumulation of nutrients on the bed, combined withchlorine removal, can lead to rapid microorganism colonization andproliferation. Most of the organisms are Gram-negative bacteria and, shouldthey undergo cell lysis, can be a source of endotoxins. An essential point ofcontrol over the entire water system is the ability to sanitize the bedsregularly with hot water or steam, coupled with frequent replacement.Sanitization should begin at a higher frequency (such as weekly) for a newwater system; this could be decreased over time (monthly) based on a microbialbioburden trend review. Six months to one year of data would be required toassess the bioburden pattern.

Water softeners

In areas with hard water, softeners are required toprevent interference with the deionizers and reverse osmosis systems. As waterpasses through the resin-filled columns, divalent calcium and magnesium cationsare exchanged for sodium ions. The resin matrix provides an enormous surfacearea for potential microbial colonization, however. Sanitization and controlmeasures such as ultraviolet light and chlorine are essential in maintainingwater quality.

Deionization devices

Standard deionization systems consist of charged resincolumns. These may be separate for cation and anion removal, or may use amixed-bed system. The advantage of deionization is that the columns requireregeneration with 1 molarity (M) hydrochloric acid and 1M sodiumhydroxide, both of which are strongly biocidal. If the regeneration frequencyis high, the columns are maintained in a sanitized state. Unsanitized columnsor those that are not regenerated for more than a couple of days present thesame problems as activated charcoal beds, which is the risk of bacterial growthoccurring.

Electrodeionization systems permit continuous columnregeneration without the need to add regeneration agents. They are easy tomaintain, but they also encourage bacterial growth. A reverse osmosis membranewill filter out bacteria, but growth can occur if not properly maintained. Asfragments of the bacterial cell wall break off, endotoxins can easily pass throughthe membrane.

Storage and distribution systems

Poorly designed storage and distribution systems createopportunities for recolonization and, ultimately, product contamination.Colonization is often difficult to detect because biofilms releasecontamination slowly and randomly. (Microbial populations in water rarelyindicate normal distribution, which means levels can appear and disappear overtime before the overall trend can be discerned.)

Storage tanks

Water storage tanks are normally constructed fromstainless steel. Where they are used, it is important to determine capacity,rate of use, and frequency of flushing and sanitizing the internal surfaces.Regular water turnover helps prevent contamination; slow turnover, on the otherhand, presents a greater potential contamination risk. Storage tanks should bevented to manage water level fluctuations. To prevent microbial contaminationfrom outside air, vents should be fitted with a hydrophobic air filter. Suchfilters are also used to avoid filter occlusion, which can create vacuumconditions and lead to tank implosion. Vent filter integrity testing should beperformed regularly (e.g., once every 6 or 12 months).
储罐通常由不锈钢制成。在使用时,确定内部表面的容量、使用率和清洗和消毒频率非常重要。保持水翻滚有助于防止污染;相反,翻滚速度慢则带来更大的潜在污染风险。储罐应通气以管理水位波动。为了防止来自外部空气的微生物污染,通气口应安装疏水空气过滤器。此类过滤器还用于避免过滤器堵塞,从而造成真空条件并导致罐体内爆。呼吸过滤器完整性测试应定期执行(例如,每 6 个月或 12 个月一次)。

Storage temperature

It is standard practice to store WFI in a recirculatingstainless steel system, although on occasions polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) isused when very low mineral content water is needed. Recirculating systems thatoperate at temperatures of 65ºC to 80ºC are self-sanitizing, with the caveatthat no cold spots below 65ºC form. Purified water systems can be hot or cold.Key aspects of cold water systems are discussed in more detail below.
将 WFI 储存在循环不锈钢系统中是标准做法,尽管有时在对水要求极低矿物质含量时,会使用聚氯乙烯氟化物(PVDF)材质。在65℃至80℃温度下运行的循环系统可以自行消毒,需要注意的是,应没有低于65℃的冷点。纯化水系统可以热或冷循环。下文将更详细地讨论冷水系统的关键方面。

Pipe and tank design

If they are poorly designed or improperly maintained,pipes and tanks are more likely than any other part of the water system todevelop contamination. The general requirements for well-designed pipes are:
1.    Smooth internal surfaces.Microorganisms adhere less well to smooth surfaces than to rough surfaces,therefore corrosion resistance and avoiding rouging (iron oxide formation) isimportant (as can be achieved by the electropolishing of stainless steel). Pipejoints and welds can also disrupt smoothness.
2.    Continuous water movement in tanksand rapid flow in pipework; velocities in the range of 1–2 meters per secondhave been found to be satisfactory.11This minimizesopportunities for microorganisms to adhere to surfaces (and form biofilms).Where shear forces occur, microorganisms adhere poorly to surfaces. Where thereis no water movement, there is no shear (shear increases with the speed offlow).
Avoid areas where water canremain stagnant:
3.    避免水可能保持停滞的地方:
1.    If a branch pipe is too long toallow the turbulence of the flowing main to disturb itscontents, water may stagnate in “dead legs” (Figure 3). The principle is toalways minimize the length of branch pipes.
2.    Water can also remain stagnant invalves, particularly at user points—and especially those that not in frequentand regular use. This can be counteracted by hygienic or “zero dead leg” valveswhich, although significantly better than the alternatives (say ball valves).This should not lead to a sense of false security, however, since they canharbor endotoxin-shedding biofilms. Having the correct sloping for drainage canalso reduce contamination risk.
3.    Ring mains should be sloped(“drop”) from point of origin to the point of return to ensure that systems arecompletely drainable.
4.    Avoidance of leakage. Waterleaks can cause bridging of water to the external environment through whichbacteria may enter the system. Storage tanks should be equipped with filter ontheir air vents to prevent air-borne microbiological ingress. They may even beheld under a “blanket” of an inert gas such as nitrogen.
5    High temperature storage anddistribution. The risks of endotoxin-shedding biofilms despite the bestattempts at control above are thought to be so consequential that the mostmanufacturers require the temperature of storage and distribution to bemaintained higher than 65°C. Lower temperatures may also be acceptable,provided the manufacturer has adequate data to demonstrate that a lowertemperature works as intended.
1.    It should however be consideredthat 65°C is too high a temperature for most pharmaceutical formulationpurposes. This means that user points are generally equipped with some form ofcooling mechanism. It should be noted that heat exchangers used for thispurpose may be a source of endotoxin and bacterial contamination and may thuscancel out many of the benefits of high temperature circulation.
6.  The use of coated surfaces on pipesand in tanks, where appropriate (as not to pose a risk of leaching toxicsubstances) can help to address bio-fouling.12

Figure 3: Poorly designed water distribution pipe with a dead leg

Cold watersystems

Systems forpurified water typically use ozone, ultraviolet light, and in-line filters tomaintain microbial quality instead of high temperature. Important points toconsider are:

Ozone is used periodically forsanitization. It attacks the outer surfaces of microorganisms and destroys cellwalls and membranes.
Ultraviolet light is not asterilant, although it has some microbial reduction properties.13Efficiencydepends on path length, speed of flow, and age of the light source. The mostcommonly used wavelength for microbial reduction in pharmaceutical watertreatment systems is 254 nanometers (nm). Ultraviolet light is also very usefulfor catalyzing the breakdown of ozone or hydrogen peroxide used as sanitizingagents, although its efficacy is often diminished by poorly maintained ormalfunctioning lamps.
紫外灯虽然具有减少微生物的特性,但紫外线不是灭菌剂。制药用水处理系统中最常用的波长为 254 纳米(nm)。紫外线对于催化用作消毒剂的臭氧或过氧化氢的分解也非常有用,尽管其功效往往因为灯的维护不良或故障而降低。
Filters are ideal matrices forcolonization; they need careful monitoring of pressure differentials and frequentsanitization or changing. If a biofilm has formed on a filter, sanitizationwill kill most microorganisms within the biofilm but will probably not removethe matrix, which may be rapidly recolonized. In addition, the presence ofhighly resistant “persister cells” within the population will remain unaffectedand regrow.
Cold water systems generallyuse thermoplastic materials because they suffer less biofouling than stainlesssteel (at low temperatures). Plastic material used to construct pipework istypically polypropylene or PVDF.
Bends in pipework should beas gentle and as few as possible; 2020 points should be kept to a minimum. Anydisruption to the smooth flow of water results in turbulence, which assistsbiofilm formation by creating more opportunities for circulating microorganismsto adhere to colonizable surfaces.

User points

Water points inproduction areas involve the transfer of water from the circulating water loopto the point of use via transfer piping (or tubing), which should be made of asuitable nontoxic material, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chlorinated PVC,polypropylene, or PVDF. The transfer piping should be drained after use andchanged regularly (such as every 24 hours); care must be taken to avoidsplash-back from sinks or recontamination from aerosols. New tubing should besanitized before fitting; it is also common for the tubing and outlet to beflushed prior to use (for a defined time or given volume of water). Thesemeasures are taken to avoid contamination of the water during the transferprocess.
生产区域的供水点涉及通过输送管道将水从循环水环路输送到使用点,该管道应采用合适的无毒材料,如聚氯乙烯(PVC)、氯化 PVC、聚丙烯或 PVDF。输送管道使用后应排空并定期更换(如每 24 小时更换一次);必须注意避免从水槽中溅回或气溶胶再次污染。新的管道在安装前应进行消毒;在使用前之前,管道和出水口应进行冲洗(按规定的时间或水量)。采取这些措施是为了避免在输送过程中受到水的污染。


Loss of watersystem control and microbial contamination can have a number of causes,including aging resin, aging filters, poorly maintained ultraviolet lights,improper maintenance, failure to achieve effective heat distribution, leaks(such as heat exchangers), dead legs, and water-system modifications (e.g.,cutting through pipework).

Treating watersystems

Several optionsare available for treating and improving water quality. The method chosendepends on what is causing the microbial deterioration, the source of theproblem, the water quality required, the volume to be treated, and the type ofdistribution system. System design can influence the size of the microbialpopulation and the ability to remove it. Dead legs, long pipework runs to taps,undrainable pipes, and U-bends can also create microbiological problems.
有多种方案可用于处理和改善水的质量。选择的方法取决于是什么导致了微生物的恶化、问题的根源、所需的水质、需要处理的体积以及分配系统的类型。系统设计可以影响微生物种群的大小和去除微生物种群的能力。死角、出水管路过长、无法排尽的管道和 U 形弯曲也会造成微生物问题。

Four methods areroutinely used to remove microbial contamination: heat, chemicals, filtration,or ultraviolet light. Contact time is important for each one.

Heat, asdescribed earlier, can be used in the circulating loop of a hot-water systemmaintained at 65°C to 80°C (with ≥ 75°C being optimal). If this provesinsufficient there should be the capacity to superheat the system (taking thetemperature up to 121°C for one hour or longer).
如前所述,热力消毒可用于保持温度65°C 至 80°C(75°C 为最佳温度)的热水系统循环回路。如经证明不够,应具有对系统过热(温度升至 121°C 维持一小时或更长时间)的能力。

Chemicaltreatment (e.g., ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide,peracetic acid, and sodium hydroxide) is applicable to raw mains water, but canalso be used to treat distribution systems of water produced by distillation,deionization, and reverse osmosis. Concentration of the chemical used dependson the location of the water in the distribution system. Chlorination, forexample, is generally effective if minimum levels of 0.2milligrams (mg) perliter (L) of free chlorine are attained. The contact time will vary with watertemperature and pH; typical times for 0.2mg/L of free chlorine are between 30and 60 minutes. Importantly, any chemical added must, at some point, beremoved.

Membranefiltration using a 0.22 micrometer (μm) porosity filter is applicable whereusage is moderate and continuous water circulation can be maintained (i.e.,water is continually returned to the storage tank and refiltered, except whatis drawn off for use). While filtration works well in principle, it isrelatively expensive for high throughputs because they need regular changing toprevent blockage and “grow-through.” For this reason, using 0.22 μm filters tocontrol contamination in water used for product manufacture is frowned upon.Filters should be used only prior to the distribution process.
使用 0.22 微米(μm)过滤器进行膜过滤,适用于使用适中且可保持连续水循环的情况(即,除了放出来使用的外,水不断返回储罐并重新过滤)。虽然过滤原则上效果良好,但对于高吞吐量的系统来说,成本相对较高,因为它们需要定期更换,以防止堵塞和"增长"。因此,使用0.22 μm过滤器来控制产品制造用水中的污染是令人不快的。过滤器应仅在分配过程之前使用。

Figure 4:Membrane filtration test

“Most of theorganisms are gram-negative bacteria, and should they undergo cell lysis, canbe a source of endotoxins”

Ultravioletradiation (254 nm) is used to disinfect water of good optical clarity; it worksparticularly well in a recirculating system where water flows over a multiplelamp system. While contact times vary according to dose and flow rate, they arenormally in the region of 1 to 10 seconds. This time is required to allow UVlight to penetrate through the water and make contact with any bacteriapresent.
紫外线辐射(254纳米)用于消毒具有良好光学清晰度的水;它在循环系统中特别有效,水流通过多灯系统。虽然接触时间因剂量和流速而异,但它们通常在 1 到 10 秒之间。这一时间需要让紫外线穿透水中,并接触任何细菌存在。


Frequentmonitoring is important to verify microbiological control. This involves abioburden assessment, typically using microbial count methods with membranefiltration, and a low-nutrient agar such as R2A as the method of choice (Figure4). Where applicable, a Limulus amebocyte lysate test for bacterial endotoxinis also recommended. In both cases, action or alert limits must be based onvalidation data and must be set low enough to signal significant changes fromnormal operating conditions.





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