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14 January 2020


GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group


Reflection paper on Good Manufacturing Practice and Marketing Authorisation Holders



Draft  agreed by GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group

June  2019



Adopted  by GMP/GDP Inspectors Working Group for release for consultation

June  2019



Start of  public consultation

17  January 2020



End of  consultation (deadline for comments)

17 April  2020




Comments should be providedusing this template. The completed comments form should be sent to  adm-gmdp@ema.europa.eu



Good  Manufacturing Practice, GMP, Marketing Authorisation Holder, MAH



1. Introduction and purpose概述与目的

This Reflection Paper is focused on the GMP-related responsibilities that apply to Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) companies. While it is recognised that many MAH companies are not directly engaged in the manufacture of medicinal products themselves, the current European Commission (EC) guide to GMP (hereafter referred to as the ‘GMP guide’) refers, in several places, to MAHs and their responsibilities in relation to GMP.

本思考文着重关注上市许可持有人(MAH)公司与GMP相关的义务。虽然许多MAH公司自己并不直接从事药品生产业务,但当前EC GMP指南(以下称为GMP指南)在多个地方仍写入了MAH及其与GMP有关的义务。

In general, these responsibilities relate to outsourcing and technical agreements, that require the MAH to perform certain specific tasks (e.g. evaluating the results of product quality reviews, agreeing irradiation cycles with manufacturers, etc.).These responsibilities are spread over the various chapters and annexes of the GMP guide, and are quite numerous.


This Reflection Paper seeks to provide clarity as to what the various responsibilities are and what they mean for MAHs at a practical level. In addition to the MAH responsibilities in the GMP guide, this paper also addresses the various legislative provisions (i.e. in European Directives and in other guidelines) which relate to GMP and which concern MAHs. Some of the responsibilities stated in the legislation (e.g. in Directives 2001/83/EC and 2001/82/EC) and in applicable guidelines are written in a way that they apply to marketing authorisation applicants, and they are included in this Reflection Paper because those provisions also convey responsibilities upon marketing authorisation holders in the post-authorisation phase.

本思考文意在厘清MAH有哪些义务,从实践角度来说对MAH具有什么意义。除了MAHGMP义务外,本报告亦阐述不同的法律条款(即欧洲指令和其它指南中的内容)中与GMPMAH有关的内容。在法律(例如指令2001/83/EC 2001/82/EC)和适用指南中所称的一些义务称其适用于上市许可申报人,在本报告中亦有包括,因为这些条款在批准后亦会转移成为MAH的义务。

It should be noted that, as indicated in Annex 16 of the GMP guide, the ultimate responsibility for the performance of a medicinal product over its lifetime, its safety, quality andefficacy, lies with the MAH. It is also important to note that, while certain activities of an MAH may be delegated to a manufacturer or other party, the MAH retains the responsibilities which are outlined in this paper. The GMP guide  also does not provide for reduced MAH responsibilities (or for the delegation of responsibilities) in situations where the MAH and the manufacturer belong to the same overall group of companies but where the two companies are different legal entities. There is no difference in the responsibilities that apply to the MAH in this situation relative to when the MAH and the manufacturer are from separate and unrelated companies.


While relevant activities pertaining to the GMP-related responsibilities held by MAHs may be delegated by the MAH to its representative (if there is one) in a member state, none of the responsibilities may be delegated to that person. (Note: The representative of the MAH, commonly known as the local representative, is the person designated by the MAH to represent him in the Member State concerned. (Ref. Part 18a of Article 1 in Directive 2001/83/EC and Part 17a of Article 1 of Directive 2001/82/EC).


It is recognised that, while MAHs have a significant role in facilitating GMP and MA compliance, their responsibilities in this area can, in some cases, be difficult to comprehend when reading the GMP guide or the applicable legislation. Notwithstanding this, such responsibilities are there and may be inferred. This Reflection Paper seeks to provide clarity on these.


All of the references currently in the GMP guide (as of April 2019) that relate to MAH responsibilities are discussed in this Reflection Paper. This paper, however, should not be taken to provide an exhaustive list of those references on an ongoing basis. Rather, it sets out the general GMP-related responsibilities and activities of the MAH, and it presents them under a number of different themes.These themes are outlined below in Section 5. MAH companies should have a system in place to ensure that they remain up-to-date with current GMP requirements and updates thereafter.


Where possible, the text within each theme provides an explanation of what the various responsibilities may mean at a practical level for MAHs; guidance is also given on what is expected of an MAH when fulfilling that responsibility. It should be noted, however, that this Reflection Paper does not provide guidance on ‘how’ the various responsibilities might be fulfilled.


Article 111 of Directive 2001/83/EC and Article 80 Directive 2001/82/EC give powers to member state authorities to inspect the premises of MAH companies; this includes situations in which there are grounds for suspecting non-compliance with the legal requirements laid down in the Directives, including with the principles and guidelines of GMP. When such inspections are carried out, this Reflection Paper may serve as useful guidance for the competent authorities performing the inspections.






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