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Monitoring requirements may vary widely in the industry depending on several factors including, but not limited to, type of manufacturing process or product, fa-cility/process design, amount of human intervention, use of subsequent terminal sterilization (including sterility test release versus parametric release), and his-torical profiles of the microbiological environmental data. No single sampling scheme is appropriate for all environments. In addition, changes in sampling fre-quency, whether temporary or permanent, may be required based on changes in practices, compendial requirements, development of significant microbiological trends, acquisition of new equipment, or nearby construction of rooms or utilities. The key is to select monitoring frequencies that can identify potential system deficiencies.
Examples of sampling sites.
The test frequency per site may be less frequent than the system or area frequency (e.g., one may choose to rotate sample sites). Test frequencies for batch-related, in-process monitoring may differ from those for routine area monitoring. In many cases, monitoring performed in conjunction with batch production may fulfill the requirements for routine area monitoring.
Prior to implementing any reduction in frequency, a summary of historical data, along with current and proposed sampling frequencies, should be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Quality Assurance personnel. After reduction, data should be reviewed periodically to determine if the reduced sampling frequency is still appropriate.