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WHO 最新清洁验证指南中英文

WHO 在上个月发布新指南  WHO TRS 1019-53,英文全文303页,本文节选其中 清洁验证部分,进行了翻译,供参考。




Thetext of this appendix was previously published as:


■■ Appendix 3: Cleaning validation. In: WHO Expert Committee on

Specificationsfor Pharmaceutical Preparations, fortieth report. Geneva: World HealthOrganization; 2006: Annex 4 (WHO Technical Report

Series,No. 937; 



1.Principle 原则138

2.Scope 范围138

3.General 概述139

4.Cleaning validation protocols and reports 清洁验证方案和报告139

5.Personnel 人员142

6.Equipment 设备142

7.Detergents 清洗剂142

8.Microbiology 微生物143

9.Sampling 取样143

10.Analytical methods 分析方法145

11.Establishing acceptable limits 确定可接受标准146


1.1The objectives of good manufacturing practices (GMP) include the prevention of possiblecontamination and cross-contamination of pharmaceutical starting materials andproducts.


1.2Pharmaceutical products can be contaminated by a variety of substances such ascontaminants associated with microbes, previous products (both activepharmaceutical ingredients [APIs] and excipient residues), residues of cleaningagents, airborne materials, such as dust and particulate matter,lubricants andancillary material, such as disinfectants, and decomposition residues from:


■■ product residue breakdown occasioned by, for example, the use of strongacids and alkalis during the cleaning process;


■■ breakdown products of the detergents, acids and alkalis that may beused as part of the cleaning process.


1.3Adequate cleaning procedures play an important role in preventing contaminationand cross-contamination. Validation of cleaning methods provides documentedevidence that an approved cleaning procedure will provide clean equipment,suitable for its intended use.


1.4The objective of cleaning validation is to prove that the equipment is consistentlycleaned of product, detergent and microbial residues to an acceptable level, toprevent possible contamination and cross-contamination.


1.5Cleaning validation is not necessarily required for non-critical cleaning suchas that which takes place between batches of the same product (or differentlots of the same intermediate in a bulk process), or of floors, walls, theoutside of vessels, and following some intermediate steps.


1.6Cleaning validation should be considered important in multiproduct facilitiesand should be performed, among others, for equipment, sanitization proceduresand garment laundering.


2.Scope 范围

2.1These guidelines describe the general aspects of cleaning validation, excludingspecialized cleaning or inactivation that may be required, for example, forremoval of viral or mycoplasmal contaminants in the biological manufacturingindustry.


2.2Normally, cleaning validation would be applicable for critical cleaning such ascleaning between manufacturing of one product and another, of surfaces thatcome into contact with products, drug products and APIs.


3.General 概述

3.1There should be written standard operating procedures (SOPs) detailing thecleaning process for equipment and apparatus. The cleaning procedures should bevalidated.


3.2The manufacturer should have a cleaning policy and an appropriate procedure forcleaning validation, covering:


■■ surfaces that come into contact with the product;


■■ cleaning after product changeover (when one pharmaceutical formulationis being changed for another, completely different, formulation);


■■ between batches in campaigns (when the same formula is being manufacturedover a period of time, and on different days);


■■ bracketing products for cleaning validation. (This often arises whereproducts contain substances with similar properties [such as solubility] or thesame substance in different strengths. An acceptable strategy is to firstmanufacture the more dilute form [not necessarily the lowest dose] and then themost concentrated form.


Thereare sometimes “families” of products which differ slightlyas to actives or excipients.);


■■ periodic evaluation and revalidation of the number of batches manufacturedbetween cleaning validations.


3.3.At least three consecutive applications of the cleaning procedure should be performedand shown to be successful, to prove that the method is validated.


4.Cleaning validation protocols and reports Cleaning validation protocols


4.1Cleaning validation should be described in cleaning validation protocols, whichshould be formally approved, for example, by the quality control or qualityassurance unit.


4.2In preparing the cleaning validation protocol, the following should be considered:


■■ disassembly of the system;系统拆卸

■■ precleaning; 预清洗

■■ the cleaning agent, concentration, solution volume, water quality; 清洗剂、浓度、溶液体积、水的质量;

■■ the time and temperature;时间和温度

■■ the flow rate, pressure and rinsing; 流速、压力和冲洗

■■ the complexity and design of the equipment;设备复杂性及设备设计

■■ training of operators; 操作员培训

■■ the size of the system. 系统尺寸

4.3The cleaning validation protocol should include: 清洁验证方案应该包括:

■■ the objectives of the validation process; 验证过程的目标;

■■ the people responsible for performing and approving the validation study;


■■ the description of the equipment to be used, including a list ofthe equipment, make, model, serial number or other unique code;


■■ the interval between the end of production and the commencement ofthe cleaning procedure (the interval may be part of the validation challengestudy itself) – the maximum period that equipment may beleft dirty before being cleaned, as well as the establishment of the time thatshould elapse after cleaning and before use;


■■ the levels of microorganisms (bioburden);微生物(生物负载)的水平

■■ the cleaning procedures (documented in an existing SOP, including definitionof any automated process) to be used for each product, each manufacturingsystem or each piece of equipment;


■■ all the equipment used for routine monitoring, for example, conductivitymeters, pH meters and total organic carbon analysers;


■■ the number of cleaning cycles to be performed consecutively;


■■ the sampling procedures to be used (direct sampling, rinse sampling,in-process monitoring and sampling locations) and the rationale for their use;


■■ the data on recovery studies (efficiency of the recovery of the samplingtechnique should be established);


■■ the analytical methods (specificity and sensitivity). including thelimit of detection and the limit of quantification;


■■ the acceptance criteria (with rationale for setting the specificlimits) including a margin for error and for sampling efficiency;


■■ Documentation of the choice of cleaning agent and approval by the qualityunit, which should be scientifically justified on the basis of, for example:


–– the solubility of the materials to be removed; 被除去的材料的溶解度

–– the design and construction of the equipment and surface materialsto be cleaned;


–– the safety of the cleaning agent;清洗剂的安全性;

–– the ease of removal and detection; 清除的简便性和检测;

–– the product attributes;产品属性

–– the minimum temperature and volume of cleaning agent and rinsesolution; 清洗剂和洗涤液的最低温度和体积;

–– the manufacturer’s recommendations; 制造商的建议

■■ revalidation requirements. 再验证需求

4.4Cleaning procedures for products and processes that are very similar do not needto be individually validated. A validation study of the “worst case” may be considered acceptable. There should be a justifiedvalidation programme for this approach, referred to as “bracketing”, addressing critical issues relatingto the selected product, equipment or process. 


4.5Where “bracketing” of products is done, consideration should be given to the type ofproducts and equipment. 


4.6Bracketing by product should be done only when the products concerned aresimilar in nature or property and will be processed using the same equipment.Identical cleaning procedures should then be used for these products. 


4.7When a representative product is chosen, this should be the one that is most difficultto clean.


4.8Bracketing by equipment should be done only when it is similar equipment, orthe same equipment in different sizes (e.g. 300 L, 500 L and 1000 L tanks).


Analternative approach may be to validate the smallest and the largest sizesseparately.


Cleaningvalidation reports 清洁验证报告

4.9The relevant cleaning records (signed by the operator, checked by productionand reviewed by quality assurance) and source data (original results) should bekept. The results of the cleaning validation should be presented in cleaningvalidation reports stating the outcome and conclusion.


5.Personnel 人员

5.1Personnel or operators who perform cleaning routinely should be trained andeffectively supervised.


6.Equipment 设备

6.1Normally, only procedures for the cleaning of surfaces of the equipment thatcome into contact with the product need to be validated. Consideration shouldbe given to “non-contact” parts of the equipment intowhich product or any process material may migrate. Critical areas should beidentified (independently from the method of cleaning), particularly in largesystems employing semi-automatic or fully automatic clean-in-place systems.


6.2Dedicated equipment should be used for products that are difficult to clean, equipmentthat is difficult to clean, or products with a high safety risk where it is notpossible to achieve the required cleaning acceptance limits using a validatedcleaning procedure.


6.3Ideally, there should be one process for cleaning a piece of equipment or system.This will depend on the products being manufactured, whether the cleaningoccurs between batches of the same product (as in a large campaign), or whetherthe cleaning occurs between batches of different products.


6.4The design of equipment may influence the effectiveness of the cleaning process.Consideration should therefore be given to the design of the equipment whenpreparing the cleaning validation protocol, for example, V-blenders, transferpumps or filling lines.


7.Detergents 清洁剂

7.1Detergents should facilitate the cleaning process and be easily removable. Detergentsthat have persistent residues, such as cationic detergents, which adhere verystrongly to glass and are difficult to remove, should be avoided wherepossible.


7.2The composition of the detergent should be known to the manufacturer and itsremoval during rinsing demonstrated.


7.3Acceptable limits for detergent residues after cleaning should be defined. Thepossibility of detergent breakdown should also be considered when validatingcleaning procedures.


7.4Detergents should be released by quality control and, where possible, should meetlocal food standards or regulations.


8.Microbiology 微生物

8.1The need to include measures to prevent microbial growth and remove

contaminationwhere it has occurred should be considered.


8.2There should be documented evidence to indicate that routine cleaning andstorage of equipment does not allow microbial proliferation.


8.3The period and conditions for storage of unclean equipment before cleaning, andthe time between cleaning and equipment reuse, should form part of thevalidation of cleaning procedures.


8.4Equipment should be stored in a dry condition after cleaning. Stagnant watershould not be allowed to remain in equipment after cleaning.


8.5Control of the bioburden through adequate cleaning and appropriate storage ofequipment is important to ensure that subsequent sterilization or sanitizationprocedures achieve the necessary assurance of sterility, and the control ofpyrogens in sterile processing. Equipment sterilization processes may not beadequate to achieve significant inactivation or removal of pyrogens.


       文章来源: 制药工程论坛


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