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【纯干货】设备清洁验证-5(PDA TR 49内容节选16中英文版)

11.8 Process Analytical Technology
PAT is defined by the U.S. FDA to be “a system for designing, analyzing, and controlling manufacturing through timely measurements (i.e., during processing) of critical quality and performance attributes of raw and in-process materials and processes, with the goal of ensuring final product quality.” (22)
The U.S. FDA further notes that “the term ‘analytical’ in PAT is viewed broadly to include chemical, physical, microbiological, mathematical, and risk analysis conducted in an integrated manner.” Much has been  published about PAT in general and about PAT in many processes; the reader should consult those references for general background on PAT. However, there are limited publications about PAT in cleaning processes and cleaning validation (23-26) as compared to PAT for other manufacturing operations. The emphasis for PAT here is for the use of a feedback loop from the analytical measurement to control a cleaning process or cleaning process step. It should be noted that consistent with PAT principles, the timely measurement could be in-line, on-line or at-line. 
“Timely measurements” have long been used in cleaning processes to assist in the design of rinse cycle times in automated CIP systems, including those in the biotechnology industry. For example,a common practice in the design of the rinsing process has been to measure conductivity of thefinal rinse as a function of rinse time. Conductivity is a useful parameter for this determination,since cleaning in biotechnology manufacturing usually involves highly alkaline and/or acidic cleaningagents, which possess significant conductivity (in addition to the conductivity of the manufacturedproduct and/or its degradants). If evaluated over several cleaning process runs in the design phase, aminimum time to consistently complete the rinsing process can be effectively determined. A safetyfactor (additional time) may be included as part of this determination. While such a study in thedesign phase would be appropriate for a PAT application, unless it combines the timely measurementwith a feedback mechanism to control the cleaning process during commercial cleaning processes, itwould not be considered PAT. As described in this paragraph, the purpose of the timely measurementis not to control the rinsing process, but to assist in selecting a fixed rinse time.
11.8 过程分析技术
11.8.1 PAT for Cleaning Process Control
The more relevant use of PAT for cleaning processes is the use of a timely measurement to define the completion of a cleaning process step. In this case, the achievement of a certain analytical measurement is a controlling mechanism for completion of that step. In the situation referred to previously about measuring conductivity online, if it is possible to determine that the achievement of a certain conductivity correlates with the end of the rinsing process, conductivity could be employed in a PAT approach. That is, the rinse time is not fixed, but could be variable depending on the time needed to achieve that predetermined conductivity value. In addition, consistent with PAT principles, it would be expected that the achievement of that conductivity value would be within a defined time window. The U.S. FDA PAT guidance states “Within the PAT framework, a process end point is not a fixed time; rather it is the achievement of the desired material attributes. This, however, does not mean that process time is not considered. A range of acceptable process times (process window) is likely to be achieved during the manufacturing phase and should be evaluated, and considerations for addressing significant deviations from acceptable process times should be developed.”(22) 
For example, achievement of a desired conductivity in a very short time could be due to insufficient cleaning solution in the cleaning process. Achievement of the desired conductivity in a very long time may be the result of a clogged spray device. In both cases, a final conductivity is recorded and a final rinse time is recorded. However, in the traditional approach time is the step-controlling parameter, and conductivity is the monitoring parameter. In a PAT approach, conductivity could be the step-controlling parameter, and time would be the monitoring parameter.
Sometimes there is an inappropriate objection to the use of PAT in this way, because it seems to violate the cleaning validation principle of not cleaning until clean (or testing until it’s clean). However, one of the features of PAT is that traditional rules of what is done for validation may not apply. As noted in the U.S. FDA’s PAT guidance, “Systems that promote greater product and process understanding can provide a high assurance of quality on every batch and provide alternative, effective mechanisms to demonstrate validation (per 21 CFR 211.100(a), i.e., production and process controls are designed to ensure quality). In a PAT framework, validation can be demonstrated through continuous quality control whereby the process is continually monitored, evaluated, and adjusted using validated inprocess measurements, tests, controls, and process end points.” (22)
对于此种PAT的使用方式有时会有不恰当的反对意见,认为这样做似乎违反了清洁验证的原则,也就是清洁直到干净为止(另一种说法是测试直到干净为止)。然而,PAT的一个特性就是清洁验证的传统理念可能并不适用于PAT。美国FDA的PAT指南指出,“通过系统提升产品及对工艺的理解可以对每批产品提供高度的质量保证并提供了另一种有效的方式达到验证的目的(根据21 CFR 211.100(a), 也就是生产及工艺控制被设计用于保障质量)。在PAT框架下,验证可通过连续的质量控制,即使用验证过的手段、检测、控制及工艺结束点以对工艺进行持续的监控、评估及调整”。
While this example of conductivity as a timely measurement to control the rinse process has been used, there are at least theoretically other opportunities for timely measurement to assist in the cleaning process design. For example, timely TOC measurements during the washing step may be indicative of the minimum time needed to complete the washing step (before rinsing is initiated). By this, it is meant that as proteinaceous soils are removed from the equipment surfaces in the washing step, it would be expected that the TOC in the wash solution would increase and then level off at a time when no more soil is removed (that is, the wash step is complete).
11.8.2 PAT Measurement Tools for Biotechnology Cleaning Processes
Currently, the most common tools with potential PAT application in biotechnology cleaning processes are conductivity and TOC, because these can be measured online in the cleaning or rinse solution. Surfaces techniques, such as NIR for surfaces, may not be practical for timely control, because such techniques involve measuring for residues after the cleaning process is completed, not during the cleaning process.
Conductivity sensors are readily available for in-line measurements and have been widely used for in-line monitoring (but not necessarily for control). Online TOC does not involve an in-line sensor, but rather a “sipper tube” which diverts a stream from the process piping to the online instrument (U.S. FDA calls this “on-line in a diverted stream”). One concern about the use of TOC in this way is the delay between taking the sample and the output of the actual measurement. Another concern is that if the instrument is continually taking and measuring samples during a cleaning process, earlier samples with high TOC values may carry over to the following sample and cause a false high reading. Of course, if the process is performed until the desired TOC value is achieved, there is an assurance that the process is adequate, because that possible carryover situation reflects a worst case.
11.8.3 Additional Considerations for PAT
It should be noted that in the conductivity example described in Section 11.8.1, all aspects of traditional cleaning validation are not avoided. If conductivity were the measure of a residual cleaning agent, and if only sampling rinse water were acceptable for determining residues of a cleaning agent, a PAT approach of measuring conductivity asa rinse step control parameter would also provide assurance that the cleaning agent was adequately removed for each and every cleaning process. However, it would not address issues of residues of the active and/or bioburden. Those residues would have to be measured in the traditional manner, unless a timely measurement of those residues could be utilized.
It should be clarified that rapid and/or online methods by themselves do not necessarily constitute PAT. As discussed previously, online conductivity can be a routine monitoring tool in a cleaning process step without controlling a process step. Online TOC (other than during the design phase) is not the use of PAT,unless the achievement of a certain analytical measurement of TOC determines and/or controls the completion of a cleaning process step. The same is the case with rapid microbiological methods. Rapid methods may enable one to obtain lab data faster, but unless those measurements determine and/or control the end of a process step, they are just rapid monitoring tools, not PAT tools (although they have the potential to bePAT tools).
The examples given illustrate the use of PAT for process design and for process step completion. In an ideal world, PAT would be used for real-time release of cleaned equipment and would be used instead of cleaning validation. However, at this time the tools to utilize PAT to confirm that equipment surfaces are appropriately clean (measuring removal of active, cleaning agent, bioburden and endotoxin in the case of biotechnology manufacturing) have not been adequately developed to enable real-time release for cleaning biotechnology equipment.
11.9 Product Changeover
Much biotechnology manufacturing involves campaigning. In a campaign, the same product is made again and again. However, typically between each batch in a campaign, validated cleaning is performed.At the end of a campaign, some additional steps may be taken to prepare the equipment for the subsequent campaign of a different product. This extra precaution typically involves performing an additional cycle of the same validated cleaning process used for cleaning between batches in a campaign. Because of concern about possible migration of residues (particularly product active) into gasket materials, or more accurately, into the interstices between gaskets and stainless steel surfaces, changeover of soft parts such as gaskets may also be done after the initial cleaning. During changing of soft parts, a more comprehensive visual examination of the equipment surfaces is made. Following reassembly of the equipment, the validated cleaning process is repeated. Routine monitoring of both the initial cleaning and the final cleaning is performed as is normally done. Some companies also might perform a specific analytical test (such as an ELISA procedure) as an extra check for the previous active protein in the final rinse water of the second cleaning. It should be recognized, however, that the likelihood of any native protein surviving one cleaning process, much less two cleaning processes, is very remote.
An alternative is not to change out those soft parts based on data showing no migration of residues into interstices between gaskets and stainless steel surfaces or analysis based on potential carryover. Such data can be based on studies on commercial equipment, on scale-up equipment, and/or in a laboratory simulation. In such cases, one validated cleaning cycle is used both between batches of one campaign and for a campaign changeover.
Certain equipment is generally dedicated to a given product. This includes chromatography resins and ultrafilters. Cleaning may be done on these items within a campaign; however, at the end of the campaign the resins and ultrafilters are cleaned, but typically are not used for campaigns involving different products.





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