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8. Question: For themanufacturing of solid oral forms: Our local authorities still insist that weneed to re-introduce the 10ppm criteria even though PDE-values are availablefor all products produced in our facility. What could be the intention of thisrequirement?
问:对于口服固体制剂的生产:我们的当地药监局仍然坚持,我们需要重新引入 10ppm 标准,即使我们工厂所生产的所有产品都有PDE 值。这项要求的意图是什么?

Answer: Based on the information the only rational behind thisrequest would be that the authority usually complains in this case, and whichwas also addressed in question 6 on Q&A on the "shared"facilities guideline, is the replacement of existing limits (e.g. 10ppm) byPDE-based limits, especially if these are higher:.
答:根据该信息,此要求的唯一合理依据是,当局通常在此情况下提出质疑,在问题 6 中也提到了"共线"设施指南的问答,即,使用基于 PDE 的限度取代现有的限度(例如 10ppm),特别是如果这些限度更高:

"For existing products, manufacturers historically usedcleaning limits that should be retained and can be considered as alert limits,provided that when taking cleaning process capability into account, theyprovide sufficient assurance that excursions above the HBEL will be prevented.A similar process should be adopted when establishing cleaning alert levels forproducts introduced into a facility for the first-time."

9. Question:If e.g. one out of several swabs is OOS, is it possible to calculate the realcarry-over from the achieved swab values and compare it to the MACO? So thatnot all relative (to surface) values need to be in spec but the final absolutecarry-over value
问:如果几个棉签中有一个是 OOS,那么是否可以从已取样的擦拭样品计算实际总残留并将其与 MACO 进行比较?因此,并不是所有相对(表面残留)值都需要符合标准,只要最终的总残留符合就可以?
Answer: No, on of the fundamental assumption that swab samplingcould be performed is that the residues are evenly distributed on the surface.Additionally regulators generally see it critical if some sort of mean valuecalculation is performed (compare microbiological environmental monitoringaccording Annex 1).

10. Question:What to do first, swab or rinse, if you are doing both?
Answer: I would recommend to perform final rinse before swabsampling so no interference from swab sampling could affect the rinse sample.

11. Question:Which microbiologic method do you consider more representative/complete:rinsing, plates or swabbing?
Answer: Based on my experience recovery rates of rinse and contactplate sampling are often higher than those for swabbing. Some colleagues evencall microbiological swabs a "qualitative" sampling. For samplingcurved surface areas I even would recommend flexible contact plates overswabbing.

12. Question:For determination of cleaning agent residue: would a conductivity measurementin the final rinse be totally enough for a cleaning validation or should adirect sampling via Swab and TOC analytics be added at least to verify theresults from conductivity?

Answer: If the composition of the cleaning media is a simpleanorganic acid or base the concentration of it in the media and also finalrinse sample has a high correlation factor to conductivity measurement. This isalso one reason why especially for Biologics and Biotech products NaOH isfrequently used.

13. Question:What are the regulatory requirements for recovery for swab tests during methodvalidation, is there a percental limit?

Answer: There are no explicit regulatory requirements regardingchemical swab recovery rate. Common practice is e.g. reflected in PDAs TR No.29; Section 6.5.2 "Swab/Wipe recovery":
答:对于化学棉签擦拭回收率没有明确的法规要求。常见的做法参考,如PDATR 29 第 6.5.2 节"棉签/擦拭回收率":

"An acceptable swab recovery depends on how that swabrecovery is being used. If the recovery is performed to qualify the samplingmethod without correction of either a limit or an analytical result then arecovery percentage such as 70% or more is typically required. If the recoverypercentage is used to correct a residue limit or an analytical result then arecovery of 50% or more is typically required. An upper limit for percentrecovery should be established to deal with studies where the measured recoveryis greater than 100%. Recoveries of less than 50% typically require a writtenrationale of why that percentage is appropriate."
"可接受的棉签擦拭回收率取决于如何使用该回收率。如果回收率只是用作取样方法的标准而不修正可接受残留限度或残留检测结果,则通常需要回收率标准(如 70% 或更多)。如果回收率标准用于校正残留限度或检测结果,则通常回收率50% 或更多就可以了。应确定回收率的上限,以处理回收率测试大于 100% 的试验。回收率低于 50% 通常需要书面的理由说明为何该百分比合适。

14. Question:Is it acceptable after CHT is exceeded to carry out only a disinfection of theequipment or is it obligatory to repeat the whole cleaning process?

Answer: Generally CHT has nothing to do with disinfection. Also,it is not advisable to disinfect product contact surfaces with potential riskof leaving disinfecting agent residues on the surface. It should be assessed ona risk-based approach if only final rinsing is sufficient or the whole cleaningprocess needs to be repeated.



上一篇:干货 | 医疗电气设备测试标准IEC 62353:2014介绍


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