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  • 人员引起的污染占洁净室污染的80%;

  • 生产工具和设备:15%;

  • 洁净室本身和过滤器缺陷:5%;

  • 即使穿着规范,洁净室中的人员静坐或自立时,仍可产生100000/分钟的粒子;

  • 走动,可产生1000000/分钟的粒子;

  • 跑动:5000000/分钟

  • 咳嗽:700000尘粒

  • 喷嚏:1400000尘粒

  • 1分钟交谈:15000~20000尘粒


  • 大面积开口的损伤或烧伤

  • (伤风发热时的)唇疱疹

  • 严重的头皮屑

  • 皮炎, 湿疹

  • 晒伤 (起皮)

  • 痤疮

  • 真菌/细菌感染

  • 咳嗽

  • 流鼻涕或者打喷嚏结膜炎


  • 正确的衣服尺寸

  • 不能混淆衣服类别 (一次性与非一次性)

  • 穿戴未损坏的衣服

  • 不能戴珠宝 (包括结婚戒指)

  • 不能化妆

  • 不涂指甲油 (包括假指甲)不戴手表 


  • 有规律的喷洗手

  • 在碰到任何物体前和后都需要喷洗

  • 在继续进行操作前使双手干燥(约10秒)

  • 在进行手指微生物监测前不要对手套进行消毒

  • 损坏的手套必须在无菌区域外立即替换

  • 要求灭菌,而不是消毒

  • 在无菌区域几乎所有时间都需要配戴护目镜,不能戴在头部,配戴时不能有角度。

  • 对护目镜进行除雾

  • 允许在护目镜下配戴近视/远视镜


  • 不能靠在表面上

  • 不要挤压工作服

  • 使身体远离产品

  • 身体站直以最小化破坏气流

  • 保持手臂在腰线或以上


  • 深思熟虑的的, 缓慢的,平滑的

  • 不能奔跑

  • 避免不必要的动作

  • 当不参与工艺操作时,操作者应站或坐


  • 无不必要的谈话

  • 不能大声呼喊除非确实需要

  • 不能通过洞口,进出口或气闸进行交流

  • 如果打喷嚏远离产品


  • 不能触摸地板。当有物品跌落,如果不会产生风险的话可以在日清洁结束时去除。

  • 关键区域设备在离开该区域后,在重新进入生产状态时需要再灭菌或再清洁,如有需要。

  • 如有需要使用灭菌的工具。


  • During the aseptic filling of vials, an operator used restricted access barrier system(RABS) (b)(4) to remove a jammed stopper by reaching over exposed sterile stoppers in the stopper bowl. The RABS (b)(4) disrupted theunidirectional airflow over the stopper bowl, creating a risk for microbialcontamination. After the operator removed the jammed stopper, the filling linewas restarted, but the affected stoppers were not cleared.

  • 在西林瓶无菌分装过程中,一名操作人员穿越RABS XX越过胶塞斗来移除卡住的胶塞。该RABS XX里胶塞斗上方的单向流被中断,带来微生物污染风险。在操作员移除了卡住的胶塞后,灌装线重新启动,但受影响的胶塞并未清出。

  • There is no sanitisation of hands after each individual garment is touched and put on.

  • 员工在接触和穿上衣服后没有手消

  • Operators wore outdoor clothes under aseptic gowns in the Grade B zone.

  • B级区操作人员穿着户外衣服套上无菌服。

  • Gowning procedures required operators to remove their shoes when entering grade D and C areas. The nature of the foot coverings used would not prevent microbial contamination passing from the operator’s feet onto the clean room floors.

  • 更衣程序要求员工进入D级和C级区域时脱掉鞋子。然而所使用的脚套的材质无法防止微生物从员工的脚污染到洁净区地板上。

  • In the main office of Block B manufacturing operators appeared to be allowed to wear flip flops, shoes with over-shoes or socks.

  • 在B区的办公室,员工貌似被允许穿着人字拖、鞋套还有袜子。

  • During gowning into the manufacturing area the bench was not sanitised prior to sitting on it.

  • 在进入生产区域的更衣期间,长凳在坐上去之前没有消毒。

  • While donning sterile gloves prior to entering a grade B area an operator was observed touching the outside of sterile gloves on several occasions.

  • 在穿B级无菌服的时候,发现一个员工好几次碰到了无菌服的外面。

  • The wipes used for sanitisation did not appear to be wetted sufficiently as only the area in the centre appeared to be wet rather than the whole area to ensure effective surface coverage.

  • 消毒用的抹布看起来不够湿润,只有中间的位置是湿的,而不是整块区域以确保有效的表面覆盖。

  • A gap between the hood and mask was seen for some operators resulting in exposed skin at the side of the face with the potential for product contamination especially when working in a LAF cabinet.

  • 一些员工其帽子和口罩的缝隙可见脸部边缘暴露出来的皮肤,导致产品污染的可能,特别是当在层流罩内工作时。

  • There are currently no drawings or diagrams which define the positioning of components in the laminar air flow (LAF) cabinet or isolators to ensure that unidirectional airflow is maintained.

  • 没有任何图示和图解定义分装部件在层流罩或隔离器内位置,以确保单向流得到维持。

  • Operators do not wear goggles even though compounding is conducted in an open LAF cabinet and ampoules may be used in the compounding process which is an open rather than a closed manipulation.

  • 员工没有戴眼罩,尽管是在一个开放式层流罩内配料,并且配料工序还可能使用安瓿瓶,这是一个开放式而不是密闭式的操作。

  • Sanitised rather than sterile googles were permitted to be worn in EU Grade B areas.

  • 在B级佩戴的护目镜没有灭菌,而只是消毒。

  • The sequence of installing the filling needles and connecting tubing did not minimise contamination risks; the sequence used resulted in contact between fingers of the restricted access barrier system (RABS) glove and the exposed tops of needles on several occasions.

  • 分装针头的和软管的连接过程未能将污染的风险降至最低;导致RABS手套手指屡次与针头暴露的那头相接触。在B级佩戴的护目镜没有灭菌,而只是消毒。





  • 设计精良 制作精心
  • 广
    大咖齐聚 领域广泛
  • 团队支撑 专业保证
  • 功能丰富 营销多元