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Recovery Methods
1. Solutions and Raw Materials-Total Count

Qualitative or quantitative recovery methods for bioburden can be performed via membrane filtration. Membrane filtration is applicable in testing non-bacteriostatic or non-fungistatic liquids and soluble powders, as well as those items which possess inherent bacteriostatic/fungistatic properties. In performing the test, care must be exercised to minimize the potential for extraneous contamination and to assure complete rinsing/neutralization of the drug product on the membrane when inhibitory substances are present.

Therefore, validation testing to confirm the adequacy of the technique by 
recovery of known, low-level, inoculated sample "test" solutions as compared to inoculated "control" solutions,should be performed.

a. Quantitative Recovery-Filtration
The filtration unit should consist of a reservoir and receptacle in which a membrane, with a nominal porosity of 0.45±0.02 μm and a diameter of 47
millimeters, is used. The entire unit may be assembled and sterilized with the filter in place, or a sterile filter will be aseptically put in place at the time of the test. Aseptically transfer the appropriate volume of a liquid sample (to achieve 10-100 colony forming units) into a membrane filter funnel.
使用的过滤设备应该包括蓄水池和带有薄膜的容器,薄膜孔隙度为0.45±0.02 μm,直径为47mm。测试的时候,组装,消毒整个装置并在适当位置装上过滤器,或者在合适的位置安装无菌过滤器。无菌转移适量的液体样本(达到10-100菌落形成单位)到膜过滤器过滤漏斗。

In the case of raw materials which are soluble solids, make an appropriate dilution of the sample by placing an appropriate amount of the raw material into the solubilizing agent prior to filtration. (Note, one must predetermine if the filter integrity will be affected by the solubilizing agent.) Pass the specimen through the filter with the aid of vacuum or pressure. If the product possesses any static or cidal properties, the filter should be rinsed thoroughly with a solution which will neutralize or remove the product solution. 

Aseptically remove the membrane and place it on Soybean-Casein Digest agar medium, or appropriate growth medium. Incubate at the appropriate temperature for an adequate time to observe microbial growth. (Typically, incubation at 30-35℃ for hours is used. Reference Section 1I.C for additional information.)

b. Quantitative Recovery-Pour Plate

Dissolve a sample, if it is a solid, or take a sample, if a liquid, and place it into sufficient volume of Fluid Soybean-Casein Digest Medium or other appropriate diluting fluids. Prepare serial tenfold dilutions, if necessary, so that when plating a sample it will yield approximately 30-300 colony forming units (CFU). The number of dilutions necessary to accomplish this may vary considerably depending upon the contamination level of the sample. This level may be the result of the material source (natural or synthetic), the vendor, the manufacturing process of the material, etc. 

Raw materials of unknown quality or of animal origin should be diluted to 1:100,000 or further. Typically, duplicate plates are prepared for each dilution. Add approximately 15-20 mL of Soybean-Casein Digest agar, which has been prepared and cooled to approximately 45 ℃ , to each plate. Cover and mix the sample by swirling the plates to assure an even distribution of organisms within the agar. Allow all plates to solidify at room temperature, invert, and incubate. (Typically incubation at 30-35 ℃ for 48-72 hours is used. Reference Section 1I.C for additional information.)

Remove plates from incubation and count the total number of colony forming units (CFU) per plate. Perform the colony count on the plates which contain between 30-300 CFU. If the count is less than 30 CFU, use the count from the lowest dilution.

c. Quantitative Recovery-Spread Plate

A solid sample must be dissolved to initiate this test. A liquid sample may be tested without further dilution. Place a sufficient volume (0.1 or 1.0 mL) on the surface of a Soybean-Casein Digest agar plate or other appropriate growth medium. (The volume should be such that all liquid can be absorbed into the agar.) With agitation, or by the use of a sterile bent glass rod, assure that the liquid is evenly dispersed over the entire surface of the agar. Allow the liquid to absorb into the agar, invert, and incubate. (Typically incubation at 30-35℃ for 48-72 hours is used. Reference Section 1I.C for additional information.) Remove plates from incubation and count the CFU.

d. Quantitative Recovery-Automated Procedures

Automated dilution/plating equipment, such as the spiral plater, may also be employed. The spiral plater inoculates a rotating agar plate with a liquid sample. The volume dispensed decreases as the dispensing stylus moves from the center to the edge of the rotating agar plate. A detailed description of this procedure can be found in the Bacteriological Analytical Manual (1).

e. Quantitative Recovery-Most Probable Number (MPN)

The Most Probable Number (MPN) method should be used when the sample cannot be tested by one of the quantitative methods described. The mathematics of the MPN method are based on probability statistics. The results are directly related to the frequency of occurrence of a series of positive results most likely to occur when a given number of bacteria are present in a sample. As the number of tubes inoculated for each dilution increases, the confidence limits for MPN are narrowed.

Tubes of Soybean-Casein Digest Media, or an appropriate recovery media, are inoculated in sets (3 or 5) with serial tenfold dilutions of the sample. (Typically, incubation at 30-35℃ for 48-72 hours is used. Reference Section 1I.C for additional information.) Based on the number of positive tubes per set, within 3 sequential dilutions, the "combination of positive tubes" is derived. The Table I is an example of the selection criteria employed when working with the raw data.

Select the highest dilution in which all tubes are positive (3) and the next 2
highest dilutions (example a, b, c, and e). If only 3 dilutions are made (example a and d), use those 3 dilutions to obtain an MPN. Where there are skips, as in example e and f, add the highest dilution to the next lowest dilution and derive the combination number from 3 dilutions as before.

Using the "combination of positive tubes" and the dilution factors, the MPN can be located on established tables which are found in multiple publications (1-3). These tables may or may not have resulting data calculated with confidence levels. The MPN can also be calculated using the Thomas equation (3):
( Number of positive tubes X 100 M.P.N. = Per 100 ,L* (Number or
mL* aisample in negarivc tuk) x (Number or mL* of sample In all tubes) *
(g) can be substituted if sample is being measured by weight as opposed to
volume. )





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