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【纯干货】清洁验证之分析方法-上(PDA TR 49内容节选6 中英文版)

6.0 Analytical Methods分析方法
It is essential to a cleaning validation program that the appropriate analytical methods are utilized.
Analytical methods must be appropriate in that they can adequately detect the residue(s) of concern.分析方法必须适当,能充分检测到相关残留物。
It is also important to understand what can be concluded from the analytical result (e.g., was the productnot removed or was the cleaning agent not removed?).
对能从分析结果中推断出什么的理解也是非常重要的(比如:产品没有被去除或清洗剂没有被去除?) 。
The results of testing will determine if the cleaning validation cycle is acceptable or if it needs to beredeveloped.
Thus, it is important to have confidence in the results.
This section discusses how to select the appropriate assay methods, detailed information on theapplicability and use of nonspecific assays and microbial test methods,and assay method validation.
6.1 Specific Analytical Methods
6.1 特定分析方法
Specific analytical methods are those which measure a certain residue in the presence of expectedinterferences.
In a cleaning process for biotechnology products where the specific analyte is the active protein, suchinterferences may include degradation products and related substances, excipients, cleaning agents andcleaning agent by-products.
Examples of specific methods include HPLC, ELISA,SDS PAGE, and PCR.
of these methods requires the use of an appropriate reference standard.
In contrast, nonspecific analytical methods measure a general property, such as conductivity orTOC,which could be due to a variety of analytes or sources.
相对而言, 非特定分析方法测量通用属性, 比如:电导率或者 TOC, 因为分析物或者来源的多样性。
Selection of an analytical method will depend on the nature of the residue as it exists after the cleaningprocess.
Only if a protein (or other organic active) is not degraded during the cleaning process (surviving hightemperatures and pH extremes in an aqueous environment, for example) does it make sense to use a specific analytical method for that active.
只有当一种蛋白质(或者其他有机活性物质)在清洁过程中不能被降解(例如:在高温和极端 PH 的水环境下残存) ,使用那种物质的特定分析方法才有意义。
The advantage of using a specific analytical method in this situation is that it gives a precise measure ofthe major residue of concern – the active itself.
If a specific analytical method for an active protein were utilized following a cleaning process which hasbeen demonstrated to denature (degrade) that active protein, it is likely that residues of the activeprotein would be non-detectable (i.e., not measurable) by that specific analytical method.
如果一个活性蛋白质的特定分析方法在紧接着的清洁过程中被使用,这个清洁过程用来证明降解(变性)这个活性蛋白质。这个活性蛋白残留通过这个特定分析方法将很可能检测不到(不能被检测) 。
Residues of that protein would be various degraded fragments.
If the native protein were actually detected using a specific method for that protein, it is likely that therehad been a serious problem with the cleaning process, such as a clogged spray device causing a lack ofcoverage of that portion of the equipment surface.
In such a case, failure would also most likely be detected by a nonspecific method and/or by visualexamination.
Consequently, if a specific assay method is used, a nonspecific assay method is also required, unlessstudies prove that the product is not degraded by the cleaning process.
In biotechnology cleaning validation, specific analytical techniques such as HPLC are more likely to beused for detergents, because the surfactants or other functional materials in the detergents are not likelyto degrade in the cleaning process.
在生物技术清洁验证中,特定分析技术比如 HPLC 更倾向用于清洗剂的检测,因为表面活性剂或者清洁剂中的功能材料在清洁过程中不可能分解。
However, it should be noted that nonspecific methods can also be used for detergents and other cleaningagents.
6.2 Impact of Inactivation/Degradation of the Active
6.2 活性物质的降解/ 灭活的影响
Product inactivation means that the active protein is modified in some way such that it is no longer activeand may no longer be measurable by specific analytical methods for that native protein.
This modification usually involves degradation of the active protein into smaller fragments, but may alsoinvolve a process in which larger molecules are formed.
A key issue for process equipment cleaning in biotechnology manufacturing is the degradation ordeactivation of the active protein during the cleaning process.
This is a result of cleaning processes in biotechnology utilizing hot, aqueous,alkaline and acidic cleaningsolutions.
Under such conditions, it is well recognized that protein actives will degrade.
This degradation affects several issues in the cleaning and cleaning validation process.
Because of the degradation, the residues of the active protein (which are actually now residues of thedegraded active protein) are more readily rinsed away during the rinsing step of the cleaning process.
This is because the degraded fragments typically have a lower molecular weight and are potentially morepolar, both conditions leading to greater water solubility.
A second consequence of the degradation is that it no longer is scientifically justified to have an analyticalmethod which is specific for the native protein.
For this reason, a nonspecific method such as TOC or Total Protein is typically used to measure residues ofthe degraded active (as well as other organic molecules) in acleaning validation protocol.基于这个原因,在清洁验证方案中,一个非特定方法(如:TOC 和总蛋白)通常被用于测量降解活性物质(其他有机分子也一样)的残留。
A third consequence is that limits in bulk biotechnology manufacturing are typically not appropriatelyestablished based on a “fraction of a dose” calculation of the native protein, since the residues aredegraded fragments.
Since residues being sampled are residues of the degraded protein, it may also make more scientific senseto perform sampling recovery studies based on recovery of the degraded fragments.
However, assuming an increase in solubility for degraded proteins, sampling recovery studies on thenative protein will typically be a worst case as compared to recovery of degraded fragments.
While it is assumed in almost all cases that the active proteins or other large organic molecules producedin biotechnology manufacturing are readily degraded in hot, aqueous alkaline conditions, it is desirable todemonstrate this with a laboratory study.
In such a simple “beaker” study, the bulk active protein is exposed to the conditions of the cleaningprocess, including cleaning agent concentration,temperature and time.
At the end of that exposure time, the pH is neutralized, and the temperature is reduced.
在暴露时间的最后,PH 是中性的,温度是降低的。
The resultant solution is then analyzed for the active protein by the specific analytical procedure (such as ELISA, HPLC or a bioactivity assay).
最终溶液被特定分析程序分析其活性蛋白质(例如:ELISA,HPLC 或者生物活性含量)
In such a procedure, the ratio of protein to cleaning solution should represent the same ratio present during cleaning, or a worst-case ratio (a worst-case is a higher ratio of protein to cleaning solution).
在这个过程中,清洁溶液的蛋白质比例应等于清洁过程中蛋白质的比例,或者最差情况蛋白质的比例(最差情况是一个更高蛋白比例的清洁溶液) 。
The assay methodology for such studies must be appropriate and valid.
Care needs to be exercised in performing such a study to ensure that the chemicals in the cleaningsolution do not interfere with the analytical procedure.
This can be addressed by having adequate controls, such as adding the active to a solution of theneutralized cleaning solution at ambient temperature.
If chemicals in the cleaning solution interfere with the specific analytical procedure, another option is toremove them by diafiltration.
If it is just the surfactants in the cleaning agent that interfere, another option is to perform thedegradation study with just the equivalent amount of alkali present in the cleaning solution.
Note that in many cases, cleaning in a biotechnology facility utilizes alkaline cleaning agents followed byan acidic cleaning solution.
Current evidence suggests that it is the alkaline portion that is most effective in degrading active proteins.
Companies may choose to perform a degradation study only with the alkaline agent and not pursue degradation studies with the acidic solution unless the alkaline cleaning agent alone is inadequate for degradation.
6.3 Nonspecific Analytical Methods
6.3 非特定分析方法
6.3.1 Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
6.3.1 总有机碳
Most of the compounds used in biotechnology processes are of organic nature.
TOC can detect organic carbon with a good sensitivity in the sub-ppm range;
TOC 在亚于 PPM 范围内可以非常灵敏的检测有机碳。
however this sensitivity may still not be adequate for highly active substances.
The method can be semi-automated with an autosampler and has a short analyzing time.
In contrast to specific analytical methods, TOC analyzers can detect all organic residues, including complex mixtures of compounds like cell culture media or product degraded by the cleaning process.相对于特定分析方法而言,TOC 分析仪可以检测所有有机残留,包括复杂的混合成分像细胞培养基或者清洗过程中产品讲解物。
With TOC, it is not possible to distinguish between a biotechnology product and other organic compounds present in the same sample.
使用 TOC,在相同的样品中是无法区别生物制品和其他有机物成分的。
As a consequence, all organic carbon is assumed to be product, representing a worst-case approach.因此,所有有机碳被当成产物,这是最差情况的方法
Another aspect is the potential for sample contamination with organic substances during sampling and testing, requiring well- trained personnel and clear sampling instructions.
Special care should be taken to ensure that the sampling container does not introduceunacceptably high amounts of carbon to the sample.
Different TOC analyzers are commercially available. All instruments oxidize organic carbon and measure the resulting carbon dioxide.
不同的 TOC 分析仪是商业上可行的。所有仪器氧化有机碳和测量产生的二氧化碳。
When selecting a TOC instrument, care should be taken to select an instrument and instrumentparameters that are able to completely oxidize the organic carbon present.
当选择一个 TOC 仪器时,必须注意:选择一个仪器和仪器参数,其必须能够完全氧化有机碳。
The TOC method can be used for rinse and swab measurements. If used for final rinse water testing, samples can be analyzed directly.
TOC 方法可以被用于淋洗和擦拭测量。如果被用于最终淋洗水检测,样品必须能够直接被分析。
If used for swab testing, the organic carbon has to be extracted from the swab after sampling.
It is important to consider some additional topics during TOC swab method development, such as swab material and technique.
Swabs should not significantly contribute carbon to the sample and should not adsorb significant amountsof the residue such that it is not released for analysis.
擦拭对于样品不是重要的碳来源, 不能吸附大量的残留成分, 分析过程中残留成分也不能释放出来。
The sampling technique (e.g., swab size and shape, swabbing pattern, swab container and extraction method) is much more complex in comparison to rinse water testing.
The swabbing technique can have a high influence on residue recovery.
6.3.2 Total Protein
6.3.2 总蛋白质
Several total protein assays of different sensitivity are commercially available. Assays often used are Bradford, Lowry or BCA.
一些不同灵敏度的总蛋白质含量测试方法在商业上是可行的。含量测量方法通常使用 bradford 法,lowry 法或者 BCA 法。
Total protein assays are not product specific, but specific towards a class of molecules.
Total protein assays can be used if the majority of the residues are proteins.
If proteins are just one of many residues present (e.g., cell culture fermentation), the use of an assay with a broader spectrum (e.g., TOC) should be considered.
如果蛋白质不只是许多残留(细胞培养发酵)中的一种,使用宽谱(如 TOC)测量含量可以被考虑。
One advantage of total protein assays is potential commercial availability.
Different companies offer test kits and support during test implementation.
Lead times for implementing commercial test kits are typically shorter compared to in-house developed methods.
In-house methods may be developed to provide enhanced sensitivity.
Proteins often degrade (e.g., by hydrolysis during a cleaning cycle if high pH and temperatures are used).
蛋白质经常降解(比如,如果用高 PH 和温度进行清洁,清洁过程中会水解)
During assay implementation, it should be investigated if the assay still can detect protein after exposure to cleaning agents.
6.3.3 Conductivity
6.3.3 电导率
Conductivity measurement is a very sensitive method to detect dissociated ionic substances in water samples.
WFI has a conductivity of ≤ 2.4 μ S/cm at 65°C. For cleaning validation purposes,conductivity readings are expressed in milli-Siemens/cm (mS/cm) for higher concentrations (such as cleaning solutions) and micro-Siemens/cm (μS/cm) for lower concentrations (such as final rinse waters ).注射用水在 65°C 时电导率≤ 2.4 μ S/cm。
清洁验证的目标,电导率的读数单位浓度高时(清洁溶液)用 mS/cm 浓度低时(如:最终淋洗水)用(μ S/cm)。
It is often used to measure cleaning agent residues (e.g., caustic agents) and to control automated cleaning processes (e.g., CIP).
电导率经常被用来测量清洁剂残留(如:腐蚀剂)和控制自动清洗程序(如:CIP)Conductivity instruments can be used for a wide range of concentrations by exchange of conductivity probes.
Conductivity readings are highly influenced by the sample temperature.
Either temperature adjustment of the sample or automated temperature compensation can be used to standardize the measurements.
Conductivity is a nonspecific method that correlates linearly (within a defined range) to the ionconcentration in an aqueous sample.
Analytical instruments are robust and can be used on the manufacturing floor by trained personnel.分析仪器非常耐用,可以在生产现场被经过培训的人员使用。
The high influence of the sample temperature on the instrument reading should be considered to avoid incorrect results.
The method cannot differentiate between different ions.
Therefore, as for TOC, all conductivity results above the water baseline should be attributed to the contaminant in question (e.g., the cleaning agent).
因此,和 TOC 一样,所有电导率在水基准线上的结果应归因于污染(如:清洗剂)所致。
For biotechnology cleaning validation applications, conductivity is normally not used to detect product residues.
To allow correlation of conductivity readings with concentrations of cleaning agents, a dilutioncurve(conductivity vs. concentration) should be established (at a relevant temperature) by conductivitymeasurements of different dilutions in the relevant range near the acceptance value.
为允许电导率读数与清洗剂浓度的相关性,应该通过在接近可接受值的相关范围,测量不同稀释液的电导率,建立(在相关温度)稀释曲线(电导率 VS 浓度) 。
6.3.4 Visual Inspection
6.3.4 目视检查
Visual inspection is a qualitative method to determine cleanliness on specific equipment surfaces.
Visual inspection has been demonstrated to be a simple and effective direct sampling method in the evaluation of equipment cleanliness.
Visual inspection does have multiple weaknesses that are inherent.
Extensive training and a detailed documented procedure are required to ensure that “visually clean” from one operator to the next is consistent.
为确保能从一个操作者到下一个操作者都持续的“目视清洁” ,大量的培训和一个详细的有记录的程序在是非常必要的。
What one can visually see will vary with distance, angle, lighting, the nature of the surface and inspector’s visual acuity.
Some equipment surfaces (e.g., piping) are usually not accessible for visual inspection.
The use of optical equipment (e.g., mirrors, remote visual cameras or endoscopes) can help to facilitate visual inspection.
In order to view some equipment areas, wear and tear on the equipment may occur (e.g., the disk stacks in a centrifuge are not designed to be removed and inspected for visual cleanliness after cleaning).
In other cases, an operator may be required to enter a confined space for viewing equipment surfaces.
The visual inspection procedure should specify how operators are to deal with visual observations.
Visual inspection could find four different types of visual observations: residue, surface anomalies, foreign object and water pooling.
Residue is the main concern, which would constitute a visual failure when one is looking at theacceptability of a cleaning cycle.
A sample of the residue should be collected for further testing, if possible, to assist in the investigation of the cause.
Typically, surface anomalies and foreign objects are not considered visual inspection failures for cleaning validation purposes, but must be further investigated and corrected, as applicable.
Surface anomalies should be noted and a “suitability for use” assessment should be performed toremediate any issue(s) found.
Rouge is the most common type of surface anomaly discovered during visual inspection; rouge isgenerally considered a preventive maintenance problem, not a cleaning process problem.
Rouge 是目视检查中发现的非常普通的表面异物种类;rouge 通常被认为是一个预防性维护问题,不是清洗程序的问题。
Foreign objects and their removal should be noted. How the foreign object came to be in the equipment should also be investigated.
Water pooling should be documented, and the cause should be investigated.
All equipment surfaces that can be readily inspected visually should be visually inspected.
Visual inspection may not be performed on the interior of lines and tubing (although outlets may be inspected)on equipment where disassembly of the equipment is not practical or possible, or where inspection of the equipment could potentially be dangerous to the inspector (e.g., entry into a confined space).
目视检查不应用于设备管线和管道内部(虽然出口处可以被检查) ,拆解设备是不可行或者是不可能的,或者设备检查的地方可能对检查者有潜在的危险。
A visual inspection training program should be developed for visual inspection.
Inspectors typically should be trained and/or requalified on an established basis.
If visual inspection is not possible on an area of concern, it is important to ensure that other sampling methods (such as rinse sampling) can adequately detect potential residues of concern.
The use of “visually clean” alone (in the absence of other analytical methods such as TOC or conductivity) is not generally used in the biotechnology industry, because all critical surfaces are not readily available for visual examination.
单独使用目视清洁(不使用其他分析方法如 TOC 或者电导率)在生物制药领域是不常用的。因为所有关键表面不溶液被目视检查。
6.4 Microbial Test
MethodsThe U.S. FDA’s cleaning validation guidance states that “Control of the bioburden through adequate cleaning and storage of equipment is important to ensure that subsequent sterilization or sanitization procedures achieve the necessary assurance of sterility.”
FDA 的清洁验证指南指出“通过对设备的充分清洁和存储来控制生物负载,对保证后续的灭菌或者消毒程序达到必要的无菌保证是非常重要的”
Endotoxin is a concern in that steam sterilization does not destroy or remove endotoxin.
Thus, both bioburden and endotoxin are typically monitored and controlled during the manufacturing and cleaning processes.
Typically microbiology sampling is performed during all cleaning validation studies throughout the manufacturing process.
6.4.1 EndotoxinTypically, endotoxin testing is performed for cleaning validation runs.
Endotoxin testing may not need to be tested in upstream cell culture and initial purification processes where it is proven during process validation that one or more purification steps is able to effectively remove endotoxin that is present.
Typically, a three logs or greater reduction of endotoxin in endotoxin removal steps is required to justify decisions not to test for endotoxin upstream.
在内毒素去除步骤,3 个对数单位或者更多内毒素的减少是必须的,这将是不测试上游内毒素决定因素。
Endotoxin methods are typically compendia methods.
6.4.2 BioburdenTesting of bioburden is typically done through rinse water sampling, although other methods may be used.
The benefit of rinse water sampling for bioburden is that it is convenient.
Typically, rinse water sampling is being performed to verify removal of protein and cleaning agent(s), so one additional rinse water sample does not require significantly more work.
Also, bioburden testing of rinse water is typically already a qualified method for testing water systems for bioburden.
The biggest weakness of rinse water sampling is that the full range of the acceptance criteria is not able to be utilized, for example,if 100 ml of rinse water is used for testing with an acceptance criterion of 10 CFU/mL
.淋洗水取样最大的缺点是:大范围的可接受标准不能被应用。比如:如果 100ml 淋洗水被用来测试,可接受标准是 10CFU/ml
The typical number of colonies that can be counted is 300 before TNTC (Too Numerous To Count) is achieved;
在获得 TNTC(太多数而不能数)之前,菌群的典型可数数目是 300。
this only allows an acceptance criterion of 3 CFU/mL before failing to meet the acceptance criteria.在满足可接受标准之前,只能允许 3CFU/ml 的可接受标准。
In most situations this is not an issue; it may result in the need to test smaller sample volumes.
If this situation occurs, it is important to test an adequate amount of rinse to ensure that bioburden is detected.
Two methods for measuring directly on surfaces are swab and contact plate method.
For swab samples, the swab can be desorbed, and a count can be made by a pour plate method.
Contact plates are directly incubated and enumerated.
The biggest concern with contact plates and swab procedures is potentially exposing product contact surfaces to an unknown media or buffer solution from swabs;
接触碟和擦拭程序最大相关的是潜在暴露产品与未知培养基或者擦拭的缓冲溶液接触表面。Thus, acceptable removal of this media or buffer solution should be demonstrated before manufacturing can occur.
Another concern is that contact plates require flat surfaces.





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