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Push Vs. Pull Systems
Measuring, collecting, reporting, and reviewing is the recurring loop of Plan, Do, Check, and Act. That process needs to be in place and it must work autonomously. Functioning autonomously means that the process operates as a push system; the organization wants to report its performance and recommendations because it is empowered to act with endorsement. This is contrary to a pull system in which the organization is required to report performance through fear of punishment.

Further buy-in of such a system, all the way to shop floor participation, is made through conversion of financial metrics as reported by the enterprise computer system (ERP system) in non-financial quantitative metrics that are within the realm of control of staff at the shop floor.

Such non-financial quantitative metrics come from shop floor check-sheets, master batch records, inspections, and calibration reports and give technicians insight into the degree of control over their work. The most significant chance for success when implementing these enhancements comes when they are set up as a push system, as the operators and technicians at the shop floor will want to report their performance and recommendations because they are empowered to act with endorsement.

Being empowered to act with endorsement means an organization has a process to propose recommendations that allows for assessment against agreed-upon and approved stage gate criteria, without direct involvement of senior management.

Making a switch from financial to non-financial quantitative metrics also transitions from tracking lagging indicators to leading indicators. Lagging indicators report after the fact, while leading indicators show the way toward the goal. Project management cost reported at the end of the month is sunk cost that cannot be recovered. Tracking daily project management hours allows for (timely) adjustment or even changes to meet budgetary targets and other goals during the month. Similarly, variable costs per batch reported at the end of the month are incurred costs that cannot be recovered; however, reporting daily use of consumables makes it possible to track their cost and adjust as soon as consumption exceeds (self-set) targets. Confirmation is provided with the monthly report when the QMR reports what the metrics have been showing throughout the month.





  • 设计精良 制作精心
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    大咖齐聚 领域广泛
  • 团队支撑 专业保证
  • 功能丰富 营销多元