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6 March 2019


Table of contents 目录
1. Introduction (background)概述(背景)
2. Scope 范围
3. Legal basis   法律依据 
4. General requirements一般性要求  
4.1. Requirements for the manufacture of sterile medicinal products and sterile components 无菌医药产品和无菌组件的生产制造要求 
4.1.1. Steam sterilisation 蒸汽灭菌
4.1.2. Dry heat sterilisation 干热灭菌 
4.1.3. Ionization radiation sterilisation 放射灭菌
4.1.4. Gas sterilisation 气体消毒灭菌
4.1.5. Sterile filtration 除菌过滤 
4.1.6. Aseptic processing 无菌工艺
4.2. Good manufacturing practice for sterile active substances, sterile excipients and sterile containers 无菌原料药、无菌辅料和无菌包材的GMP要求
4.2.1. Active substances 原料药 
4.2.2. Excipients  辅料
4.2.3. Containers 包材 
4.3. Selection of sterilisation method 灭菌方法的选择
5. Decision trees 决策树
6. Definitions 术语表
7. References 参考文献

Executive summary 
Guidance is provided on the selection of appropriate methods of sterilisation for sterile products. Although, terminal sterilisation using a reference condition of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) is the method of choice whenever possible, this guideline provides information on when other terminal sterilisation processes, sterilising filtration or aseptic processing, (either alone or when combined with an additional post-aseptic processing terminal heat treatment), could be accepted as an alternative. 

Guidance is provided on the documentation expected for sterile finished products, sterile active substances, sterile excipients and sterile primary containers (referred to as container in this guideline) in a new marketing authorisation application or a variation application for a medicinal product, (called quality dossier throughout the guideline). 

Terminology definitions are included at the end of the document. 

1. Introduction (background) 
Sterility is a critical quality attribute for all sterile substances, products and containers. Sterility cannot be assured by testing, it needs to be assured by the use of a suitably designed, validated and controlled manufacturing process. Sterility is achieved by controlling several factors such as the bioburden, the sterilisation procedure, the integrity of the container closure system and in the case of aseptic processing, the use of satisfactory aseptic technique. 

Terminal sterilisation is preferred to sterilisation by filtration and/or aseptic processing because it is lethal to micro-organisms and a reliable sterility assurance level (SAL) is possible to calculate, validate and control, and thus incorporates a safety margin. For sterile filtration followed by aseptic processing, this is not applicable as accidental contamination caused by inadequate technique cannot be reliably eliminated by monitoring and control. Therefore, terminal sterilisation provides the highest assurance of sterility and should be used whenever possible. 

For highly sensitive products, such as most biological products, where terminal sterilisation of the finished product is not possible, sterile filtration and/or aseptic processing under validated and controlled conditions can be accepted. 

Sterile filtration and aseptic processing are closely related and difficult to consider separately, since sterile filtration in most cases is followed by at least one aseptic processing step such as filling. In order to focus on the most important aspect of filtration and aseptic processing at each section of this guideline, only one of the two steps may be mentioned, even if both steps are related. 

In addition to those finished products where the formulation itself prohibits the possibility of terminal sterilisation, the use of aseptic processing can be accepted in certain situations, even if the formulation itself can be terminally sterilised, if other benefits are gained for patients or users of the product. These situations are specified below in section 4.3. 

Container integrity is discussed in ICH Q8, (adopted for human medicinal products only, nevertheless the same principles are also applicable to veterinary medicinal products and containers of sterile substances and containers). 
容器完整性在ICH Q8里进行了讨论(正式采纳仅适用于人用药品,但是相同的原则还是适用于兽药)。

2. Scope
The guideline applies to chemical and biological medicinal products for human and veterinary use but is not applicable to immunological veterinary medicinal products. 

It is acknowledged that the recommendations provided for in this guideline may require some adaptation to the specific characteristics of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) for human use (e.g. difficulties to differentiate between starting material, active substance and finished product in some cases, scarcity of starting materials/active substance/finished product (autologous products and matched-donor scenario), small volumes of production). The level of documentation that is expected to be included in marketing authorisation applications for ATMPs may be adapted provided that this is justified under a risk-based approach. For veterinary cell based novel therapies, cross reference is made to EMA/CVMP/ADVENT/751229/2016 Questions and Answers on allogenic stem cell-based products for veterinary use: specific questions on sterility. 

Guidance is provided on the choice of sterilisation method, the development data and manufacturing data required to demonstrate the suitability of the selected sterilisation process. The same principles (choice of method of sterilisation, development data and manufacturing data) apply to sterile active substances, excipients and primary containers. Only the information expected in the quality dossier, including information related to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certificates, is described. Not all GMP requirements (e.g. environmental monitoring, sterilisation of manufacturing equipment) are referenced in the guideline, only those that are considered specifically relevant for the quality dossier. 

The scope of this document includes: 
 Terminal sterilisation by steam, dry heat and ionising irradiation using the reference conditions of Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 “Methods of preparation of sterile products” or other conditions stated in that monograph 
 Sterilisation by filtration and aseptic processing 
 Sterilisation by gas 

The concepts in this guideline refer only to absence or removal of bacteria, fungi and bacterial endotoxins. The absence, removal or inactivation of viruses, mycoplasma, prions and other adventitious agents, which could contaminate a product, are not considered. For virus validation reference is made to the Guideline Virus validation studies: the design, contribution and interpretation of studies validating the inactivation and removal of viruses, CPMP/BWP/268/95. 
在本指南中的概念仅指细菌、霉菌和细菌内毒素的清除情形。病毒、支原体、朊病毒和其它外来可能污染药品的试剂的消除、清除或灭活不在本指南范围。对于病毒验证请参考CPMP/BWP/268/95 “病毒验证指南:病毒灭活和清除验证的设计、实现和阐述”




3. Legal basis 

This guideline should be read in conjunction with Directive 2001/83/EC on the community code relating to medicinal products for human use, Directive 2001/82/EC on medicinal products for veterinary use as amended and also the current Ph. Eur. 

In addition, this guideline should be read in conjunction with all other relevant directives and regulations, and all relevant Commission, (V)ICH and CXMP guidelines, Q&A documents and other documents as linked to or published on the EMA website (www.ema.europa.eu).

4. General requirements 
The guideline concerns specific requirements related to sterility, sterilisation processes and aseptic processing of sterile products and product components. 

4.1. Requirements for the manufacture of sterile medicinal products and sterile components 
The choice of sterilisation method or aseptic processing should be justified, see section 4.3 Selection of sterilisation method. 

All sterilisation processes should be carried out according to the instructions of the Ph. Eur. unless justified. 



All sterilisation procedures for the finished product, active substance, the excipient(s) or the containers and the name and address of the sterilisation site should be stated. A description of the sterilisation method and/or aseptic processing, including in-process controls and validation data should be provided. 


When parametric release of sterility is proposed, the Guideline on real time release testing (formerly Guideline on parametric release), EMA/CHMP/QWP/811210/2009-Rev1 (human products only), the Guideline on Parametric release, EMEA/CVMP/QWP/339588/2005 (veterinary products only) and the text of Ph. Eur. Chapter 5.1.1 should be taken into account. 
如果采用无菌参数放行,应考虑实施“实时放行测试指南”(之前的“参数放行指南”) EMA/CHMP/QWP/811210 /2009-Rev1 (仅人药)和“参数放行指南”EMEA/CVMP/QWP/ 339588/2005 (仅兽药)以及EP第5.1.1章文本。

The bioburden control criteria should be specified prior to all sterilisation processes. High bioburden acceptance criteria should not be justified by the capacity of the sterilisation process or any bioburden reducing step before sterilisation. Acceptance criteria for bioburden are discussed under the relevant sub-sections of 4.1 below. 


The levels of bacterial endotoxins in the finished product can be impacted by the bioburden and bacterial endotoxins in the components (i.e. active substance, excipients and containers), and by microbiological contaminants introduced during manufacture. To ensure an acceptable level of bacterial endotoxins in the finished product, the level of microbiological contaminants of the components should be minimal. Acceptance criteria for bioburden and, where relevant, bacterial endotoxins in components and bulk solutions should be specified. 


All filters used in the manufacture of the finished product that come in contact with the finished product, or with any component (substance or intermediate product) incorporated in the finished product should be described and the information stated in Table3, section 4.1.5 should be provided in the quality dossier. The information should be in line with the requirements stated in Eudralex GMP Annex 1. For ATMPs, the Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice specific to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products should be followed. 
在制剂生产过程中所有和成品以及制剂组分(活性物质或中间体)接触的过滤器都必须进行描述,这些信息必须在质量文档的4.1.5章节的表格3进行阐述。相关信息必须符合Eudralex GMP附录1的要求。对于ATMPs产品,还必须遵守ATMPs产品优良制造指南。


If a secondary container (e.g. secondary pouch for infusion bags or blisters intended to keep the outside of the container sterile) is used to provide a specific protection to the medicinal product, the packaging process should be described, including a risk assessment, since it may affect the sterility of the finished product; for example, trapping moisture between the primary and secondary containers. Information should be provided as to when the packaging step is performed (before or after sterilisation) and any aseptic techniques employed. The proposed processes should be justified from a microbiological perspective. If the use of a secondary container means additional sterilisation of the finished product is performed, this should be justified with regard to sterility assurance and any potential impact on finished product quality. 

Documentation regarding sterilisation and aseptic processing to be included in the quality dossier is presented below. The documentation could, for practical reasons, be presented in connection with the item which is to be sterilised if a reference to the location of the documents is provided in section 
3.2.P.3.3 or in Part 2 B. The documents may be provided for human products in sections 3.2.S.2 Manufacture, 3.2.P.2 Pharmaceutical development, 3.2.P.3 Manufacture, 3.2.P.4 Control of excipients, or 3.2.P.7 Container closure system, or for veterinary products in Part 2 A.4 Development pharmaceutics, Part 2 B.1 Manufacturing method, Part 2 C.1 Active substance, Part 2 C.2 Excipients or Part 2 C.3 Container closure systems. The documentation should be provided for all sites performing sterilisation or aseptic processing, regardless of whether the processes are performed in-house or outsourced. 
灭菌和无菌工艺相关的文件归档在质量文档的以下章节:这些文件和3.2.P.3.3或第2 B部分列出的需要灭菌处理的组分相关联。具体文档归档在人用药质量文档的模块三第3.2.S.2原料药生产、第3.2.P.2药物研发、第3.2.P.3制剂生产、第3.2.P.4辅料控制或第3.2.P.7密封包装系统中的灭菌和无菌工艺文件,或者是兽药质量文档Part 2 A.4药物研发、Part 2 B.1生产方法描述、Part 2 C.1 原料药、Part 2 C.2 辅料或Part 2 C.3 密封包装系统. 要提供实施药品灭菌或无菌工艺的所有场所或无菌工艺相关的文件,不管是在公司内部还是外包给合同制造设施进行。

Process parameters such as processing and holding times are assessed and agreed during the evaluation of the quality dossier. These may be further reviewed during GMP inspections, which may result in changes to the registered dossier being required. 

4.1.1. Steam Sterilisation 
All steam sterilisation processes require a minimum lethality of F0≥ 8 minutes and a minimum process hold temperature of 110 °C. 
所有蒸汽灭菌工艺都要求F0≥ 8分钟,以及最低工艺保温温度为110 °C。


Sterilisation processes of different levels of lethality are presented in Table 1, along with the documentation to be included in the quality dossier. The processes in the table are presented with decreasing lethality when read from top to bottom, thus the first feasible process should be selected. 

For sterilisation using a reference condition of the Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 (≥121 °C, ≥15 min in all units) validation data for the sterilisation cycle is not required to be submitted in the quality dossier. 
对于使用EP5.1.1参考条件(所有包装均≥121°C, ≥15 min)的灭菌,不需要在质量文档中提交灭菌循环的验证数据。


If used as an additional control to measure the process lethality, F0, should be stated, together with the lowest temperature measured by the temperature sensors to determine F0.
如果使用额外控制手段对工艺灭菌能力的进行监测, 则应说明该方法的F0值, 以及由温度探头测得的最低温度来确定F0值。

Steam sterilisation performed with finished product temperature below 115 °C during the holding phase is an exceptional case and should be scientifically justified and supported by additional data as described in Table 1. If temperatures below 110 °C are included (during heat-up and cool-down) in the determination of F0, this should be justified.
成品温度低于115°C保持一定时间的蒸汽灭菌是一种特殊情况, 应进行科学论证, 并有表格1所述的其他数据的支持。如果在确定F0值的数据中包括低于110°C 的温度 (在加热和冷却过程中), 应进行论证。


Information regarding the F0 concept and microbial reduction is provided in Ph. Eur. 5.1.5 Application of the F0 concept to steam sterilisation of aqueous preparations.
关于F0概念和微生物降低的信息见 Ph. Eur. 5.1.5 F0值在水溶性制剂蒸汽灭菌中的应用。

The bioburden limit should be in line with any pre-sterilisation bioburden reduction process capability (e.g. filtration). For aqueous solutions, the limits stated in Table 1 are acceptable for active substances and drug product formulations without further justification. Other testing regimes and limits to control bioburden at the defined level should be justified.
微生物负荷限度应与任何预灭菌工艺的微生物负荷降低能力 (如过滤) 一致。在没有特殊说的情况下,对于水溶液,表格1所述的限度对于活性物质和药物产品制剂是可以接受的。其他用来控制微生物负荷处于既定水平的测试方法和限度应进行论证。

Moist heat processes with an F0<8 min may be suitable as a post-aseptic processing terminal heat treatment for formulations that cannot withstand a complete terminal sterilisation cycle. Such processes may further ensure a SAL of sterile filtered (or otherwise sterilised) bulk components, which have been aseptically filled. Post-aseptic processing terminal heat treatments are also presented in Table 1.
F0值< 8分钟的湿热工艺可作为无菌处理后的终端热处理, 适用于无法承受完整的终端灭菌程序的制剂。此类工艺可进一步确保经无菌过滤(或以其他方式灭菌) 后进行无菌分装的大批量组分的SAL。无菌工艺后终端热处理也见表格1。

It is emphasised that this additional post-aseptic processing terminal heat treatment should not compensate for poor aseptic manufacturing practice. The same requirements for the aseptic part of the process apply as for finished products manufactured without such an additional post-aseptic processing terminal heat treatment.
需要强调的是, 这种额外的无菌工艺后进行终端热处理的工艺不应用来作为不良无菌生产操作的补偿。这与没有额外无菌加工终端热处理在无菌工艺部分的要求是一样的。

表格1 蒸汽灭菌循环和无菌后处理终端热处理工艺以及相关的质量文档数据要求

1. 灭菌时间,过程温度档案
2. 灭菌方法(例如饱和蒸汽周期,空气/蒸汽过饱和压力循环,真空)描述,包括SAL
3. F0phys和F0iso验证
4. 验证中使用的生物指示剂(D121≥1.5分钟)
5. 验证中使用的生物指示剂(D121<1.5分钟)
6. 文档中不需要验证文档,只需要确认验证做了
7. 质量文档需要递交验证数据
8. 质量文档需要额外的验证数据支持

Validation data to be provided in the quality dossier for all steam sterilisation processes that do not fulfill the requirements of Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 standard process (required information 7 in Table 1):
对于不符合 Ph. Eur. 标准工艺要求的所有蒸汽灭菌工艺, 需在质量档案中提供的验证数据 (表格1中所需信息 7):

 Load mapping of the chamber and load mapping distribution of the items in the chamber (including the slowest to heat locations); summary or confirmation of performance.
腔体的装载布局和腔体中物品的装载布局图(包括加热最慢的位置); 性能确认总结。

 Physical and biological cycle effect confirmation summary of at least three sterilisation runs demonstrating an SAL ≤10-6, as described in Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 ensuring:
至少三次灭菌程序运行的物理和生物效果确认总结, 显示SAL≤10-6, 如 ph. Eur第5.1.1章节的要求:

 Demonstration that the sterilisation load in the steriliser chamber achieves the specified cycle parameters, including time, temperature, pressure and F0, if applicable;
显示灭菌腔室中的灭菌装载达到了规定的循环参数, 包括时间、温度、压力和F0值 (如适用);
 Acceptable temperature differences between temperature sensors in the load; 
 Acceptable F0 variability within the load;
装载中可接受的 F0值波动;
 Relationship between physical and biological validation.

For the biological validation, a biological indicator as described in Ph. Eur. chapter 5.1.2 Biological indicators and related microbial preparations used in the manufacture of sterile products with a D121-value of ≥1.5 minutes should be used.
对于生物学验证, 应使用Ph.Eur. 5.1.2章节 “用于无菌产品生产的生物指示剂和相关微生物制品”中规定的D121℃值≥1.5分钟的生物指示剂。

The SAL should be determined, its microbiological basis should be justified and details of calculations provided in the quality dossier. Preferably it should be calculated from the maximum bioburden per container and the D-value of the biological indicator used in the validation.

Additional validation data to be provided in the quality dossier for low energy steam processes or where a bio-indicator with a D121-value of <1.5 minutes is used in the validation of the sterilisation process (required information 8 in Table 1):
在低杀灭率蒸汽灭菌工艺的质量档案中提供的补充验证数据,或在灭菌过程的验证中使用D121值<1.5分钟的生物指示剂的情况下需提供的补充验证数据(表格1中所需信息 8):

The following additional data should be provided:
 A justification for the start point of the sterilisation phase, that is the temperature when the temperature sensors record the F0 from the start to end of the process;

 Biological indicators with suitable resistance at the actual temperature range as described in Ph. Eur. 5.1.2 should be included in the validation to demonstrate sensitivity to the process.
验证应使用在 Ph.Eur.第5.1.2章中所述的实际温度范围内具有适当耐热性的生物指示剂,以证明对工艺的敏感性。

More detailed validation data is requested to ensure that the proposed sterilisation process is suitable for low temperature processes and for processes using biological indicators of low heat resistance because:
为了确保使用低温工艺和使用低耐热性生物指示剂的灭菌工艺是适当的,需要更详细的验证数据, 因为:

 The change in lethal effect in relation to the process temperature may not be log linear at lower sterilisation temperatures.
在较低的灭菌温度下, 杀灭效果与工艺温度的关系可能不是呈对数线性的。

 The SAL demonstrated in the validation of a sterilisation process is dependent on the heat resistance of the biological indicator used in the validation of the process. When a biological indicator of low D-value is used in the validation of the sterilisation process, the SAL demonstrated becomes numerically higher, but does not provide as high a safety margin as where a more resistant biological indicator is used. The SAL should always be established in relation to a D-value that is higher than that of the normal bioburden at routine production.
在灭菌工艺的验证中显示的SAL取决于在验证过程中使用的生物指示剂的耐热性。当在灭菌过程的验证中使用低D值的生物指示剂时, 所显示的SAL会变得更高,但不能提供与使用更耐热的生物指示剂那样高的安全系数。SAL应该基于比日常生产中正常生物负荷高的D值来建立。


4.1.2. Dry heat sterilization 

Time and temperature of the sterilisation cycle and a bioburden limit should always be stated.

For sterilisation using a reference condition of the Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 (a minimum of 160 °C for at least 2 h), the validation data for the sterilisation cycle is not required to be submitted in the quality dossier. For sterilisation cycles with time and/or temperature lower than the reference conditions of the Ph. Eur., physical and biological validation of the sterilisation cycle should be provided to demonstrate an SAL of ≤10-6, as described in Ph. Eur. 5.1.1. The SAL of such a sterilisation process should be calculated from the maximum bioburden per container.
对于使用 Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 的参考条件 (≥160℃至少2小时 ) 进行灭菌, 灭菌周期的验证数据不需要在质量档案中提交。对于时间和温度低于药典参考条件的灭菌周期,应提供灭菌周期的物理和生物验证, 以证明 SAL≤10-6。这种灭菌工艺的SAL应根据每个容器的最大生物负荷计算。

Where required, sufficient validation data should be submitted to demonstrate that an SAL of ≤10-6 is obtained for all containers. The data submitted should include at least, but is not limited to:
必要时,应提交足够的验证数据, 以证明所有容器都能获得≤10-6 的 SAL。提交的数据至少应包括但不限于:

 Load mapping of the chamber and load mapping distribution of the items in the chamber (including the slowest to heat locations) – summary or confirmation of performance;
腔体的装载布局和腔体中物品的装载布局图(包括加热最慢的位置)- 性能确认总结;
 Physical and biological cycle effect confirmation summary of at least three sterilisation runs ensuring:
至少3次灭菌周期的物理和生物性能确认总结, 以确保:
 Demonstration that the sterilisation load in the steriliser chamber achieves the specified cycle parameters, including time, temperature, and, lethality;
证实灭菌器腔体中的装载达到了规定的循环参数, 包括时间、温度、致死率等;
 Acceptable temperature differences between temperature sensors in the load; 
 Acceptable lethality variability within the load;
 Relationship between physical and biological validation.

For the biological validation, a biological indicator as described in Ph. Eur. chapter 5.1.2 should be used.
对于生物学验证, 应使用Ph. Eur. 5.1.2章节所述的生物指示剂。

A maximum bioburden limit of 100 CFU/100 g or 100 CFU/100 ml would be acceptable for parenteral finished product formulations without further justification. For active substances and finished products that are not used for parenteral administration, a maximum total bioburden limit of 10 CFU/g or 10 CFU/ml is acceptable without further risk based justification. Other testing regimes and limits to control bioburden at the defined level should be justified. A justified bioburden limit should also be established for empty containers.
对于注射用制剂处方, 最大微生物负荷限制为 100CFU/100g 或 100 CFU/100 毫升是可以接受的,不需要进一步论述。对于非注射用制剂处方和活性物质, 最大微生物负荷限度为 10 CFU/g或 10 CFU/ml 是可以接受的,不需要进一步的风险论证。其他用以控制微生物负荷在规定水平内的方法和限度应进行论证。对于任何空的容器,也应建立合理的生物负荷限度。

Dry heat at temperatures of greater than 220 °C for a validated time is frequently used for both sterilisation and depyrogenation of glassware and other heat-resistant container materials e.g. aluminium crimps. In this case, demonstration of a 3 log reduction in heat-resistant endotoxins can be used as validation criteria.
在经过验证的时间内,温度高于220°C的干热灭菌经常被用于玻璃器皿和其他耐热容器材料,比如压制铝的灭菌和去热原。在这种情况下, 证明能够将耐热内毒素下降3个log等级作为验证的标准。


干热温度设定的底线是220°C, 这个温度点的设定基础是什么?指南没有解释,更加常见的还有250°C这个点。就内毒素而言,干热破坏的温度点250°C或许更加常见。当然时间的差异和温度的高低直接相关联,所以指南要求对时间进行验证。
4.1.3. Ionization radiation sterilization 

For this method of sterilisation, the reference absorbed dose is ≥25 kGy. Other doses may be used to achieve an SAL ≤10−6, if justified and validated.
对于这种灭菌方法, 参考吸收剂量为≥25 kGy。如经论证和验证,也可以使用其他剂量以达到SAL≤10-6。

Data as requested in Note for Guidance “The use of Ionization Radiation in the Manufacture for Medicinal Products” and in compliance with Ph. Eur. chapter 5.1.1 should be provided. Relevant guidance in establishing the radiation dose other than 25 kGy is available in ISO standard 11137.
应提供“药品生产中电离辐射使用指南”中要求的数据, 并符合Ph. Eur 5.1.1 章节的要求。ISO 11137标准提供了确定 25 kGy 以外的辐射剂量的相关指导。

Where any requirements in ISO 11137 are in contradiction to requirements stated in any Note for Guidance issued by the EMA or Ph. Eur. monograph, the requirements of the Ph. Eur. and the Note for guidance apply.
如果 ISO 11137标准中的任何要求与 EMA 或 Ph. Eur. 专论发布的任何指导说明中的要求相抵触, 则应使用 Ph. Eur. 和医药指南的要求。

4.1.4. Gas sterilization 
气体灭菌 General considerations
Generally, gas sterilisation is only acceptable if no other method of sterilisation is possible. Gas sterilisation provides sterilisation of the surface of materials. It is mainly employed for sterilising packaging materials and equipment, and has therefore only been included in the decision tree for containers. To ensure adequate sterility, sufficient penetration by gas and moisture is essential. This should be followed by a purging process to ensure that any residues of gas or related transformation by-products are below concentrations that could give rise to toxic effects during use of the finished product. The effectiveness of the purging process should be demonstrated.
一般来说, 只有在没有其他灭菌方法的情况下, 气体灭菌才是可以接受的。气体灭菌可对材料表面进行灭菌。它主要用于对包装材料和设备进行灭菌, 因此只包括在容器的决策树中。为了确保足够的无菌性, 确保气体和水分能够充分渗透是非常重要的。气体灭菌结束后应进行清除过程以确保灭菌气体或其相关的转化形成的副产品的任何残留物低于可能提高成品使用过程中的毒性影响的浓度。应证明清除过程的有效性。

Gas sterilisation of porous compounds, such as dry powders, is not acceptable unless other methods of sterilisation are not feasible and its use is scientifically justified. Prior to the gas sterilisation, the active substance or excipient should be sterile filtered and crystallised under aseptic conditions to minimise bioburden and entrapment of micro-organisms within the crystals. Convincing evidence should be provided demonstrating that the material to be sterilised is not susceptible to compression preventing gas and moisture penetration during sterilisation.
对多孔化合物 (如干粉) 进行气体灭菌是不可接受的, 除非其他灭菌方法不可行且使用该方法经科学论证。在气体灭菌之前, 活性物质或辅料应在无菌条件下进行除菌过滤和结晶, 以最大限度地减少微生物在晶体中的吸收和包裹。应提供令人信服的证据, 证明待灭菌的材料在灭菌过程中不易挤压,防止气体和水分渗透。

A description of the apparatus, quantitative data on gas(es) to be used, the bioburden prior to sterilisation, the time of exposure to the gas, the temperature and humidity prior to and during each step of the sterilisation cycle, and, if applicable, the conditions for the removal of any toxic gas residues should be provided. Humidity used for the preconditioning and/or conditioning of the material to be sterilised shall be generated by clean steam. These conditions should be monitored by appropriate in-process controls with justified acceptance criteria. The process should be developed and validated in compliance with Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. A risk assessment with regards to residual toxic impurities should be conducted and a control strategy should be provided where applicable. The requirements should be in accordance with the requirements of ICH M7 “Assessment and control of DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit potential carcinogenic risk”. Even if the relevant product is outside the scope of that guideline, its limits for highly toxic impurities could be applied.
应提供设备描述、要使用的气体的定量数据、灭菌前的生物负荷、接触气体的时间、灭菌周期每一步开始前和期间的温度和湿度, 以及,适当时,清除任何有毒气体残留的条件。用于对待灭菌材料进行预处理和/或调节的湿度应通过清洁蒸汽产生。这些条件应通过适当的过程控制和合理的接受标准进行监测。应按照 Ph.Eur. 5.1.1 和5.1.2 章节制定和验证这一程序。应对残留有毒杂质进行风险评估, 并酌情提供控制战略。这些要求应符合 ICH M7指南 “评估和控制药品中的 DNA 反应性 (诱变) 杂质以限制潜在致癌风险”。即使相关产品可能不适用于该指南的范围, 该指南中对剧毒杂质的限度也是可以使用的。

Results of the process validation should demonstrate an SAL of ≤10-6.
工艺验证的结果应证明SAL ≤10-6。

The effectiveness of the process should be routinely checked for every batch confirming that the process parameters and biological indicators are all within their acceptance criteria and by sterility testing. Parametric release is not acceptable for gas sterilisation (according to Ph. Eur. chapter 5.1.1).
日常应通过确认工艺参数和生物指示剂都在其接受标准范围内和无菌测试来检查每一批工艺的有效性。参数放行对于气体灭菌是不可接受的 (参考Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 章节)。


在实际操作中,当气体灭菌的决策被最后采纳后,我们强烈的建议公司要耐心的进行各项基础的实验去收集尽可能多的信息和数据,然后根据这些数据和信息来制订科学完善的灭菌工艺流程和相关的参数,并确保操作人员严格按照相关的流程和操作细节进行生产操作。如果你是审计人员,工厂存在这个类型的操作的时候,不得不高度重视我们在这里提到的这些环节了。 Ethylene oxide sterilization 

Ethylene oxide (ETO) sterilisation processes should be developed and validated in compliance with Ph. Eur. 5.1.1 and 5.1.2. Relevant guidance in establishing the sterilisation process cycle parameters and validation is available in ISO standard 11135.
应按照 Ph. Eur 5.1.1 和5.1.2 章节开发和验证环氧乙烷 (ETO) 灭菌工艺。ISO 11135标准提供了在确定灭菌工艺循环参数和验证方面的相关指导。

ETO is a gas which is highly toxic. ETO sterilisation is generally only acceptable if no other method of sterilisation is possible. The risk assessment should consider the residual known genotoxic impurities (such as ETO and halogenated ethylenehydrines). This should be evaluated in accordance with the requirements of ICH M7 “Assessment and control of DNA reactive (mutagenic) impurities in pharmaceuticals to limit potential carcinogenic risk”, unless the relevant product is outside the scope of that guideline. For products outside the scope of ICH M7, the applicant should apply limits for highly toxic impurities in accordance with ICH M7, or the acceptance criteria stated in Table 2, whichever is most appropriate.
ETO 是一种高毒性气体。ETO 灭菌通常只有在没有其他灭菌方法的情况下才可接受。风险评估应考虑已知的残留遗传毒性杂质 (如 ETO 和卤化乙二氢)。应根据 ICH M7 指南"评估和控制药品中的 DNA 反应性 (诱变) 杂质以限制潜在致癌风险" 的要求对此进行评估, 除非相关产品不在该指南的范围之内。对于 ICH M7 范围以外的产品, 申请人应根据 ICH M7指南 或表格2中规定的接受标准对剧毒杂质实施限制, 以最适当者为准。

For empty containers intended to be filled with aqueous products, (e.g. prefilled syringes), the need to justify the use of ETO in the sterilisation of the container prior to filling can be waived, as the degradation kinetics of ETO in an aqueous medium have been sufficiently demonstrated. However, the levels of toxic residues (ETO and halogenated ethylenehydrines) in the finished product need to fulfil the requirements of ICH M7, or the limits stated in Table 2 below, as applicable.
对于打算装满水溶性性产品的空容器 (例如预填充注射器), 可以免除对灌装前使用ETO对容器灭菌的论证,因为ETO在水介质中的降解动力学已经充分证明。但是, 成品中毒性残留物 (ETO 和卤化乙基氢) 的含量需要满足 ICH M7 的要求,或者适当时,满足下文表格2所述的限度。

Table 2 Limits for toxic gas residues from Ethylene Oxide sterilisation where the ICH M7 limits do not apply





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